Creating a UDOC to Add a New User

This job aid describes steps for creating a UDOC to Add a New User to CORE. 

To create a UDOC to Add a New User to CORE, you will want to follow the steps below:

Enter UDOC in Global Search bar

3. Click the Create button in the upper right corner.

Create button

4. This will open a new Create Transaction window, and you will be on the Header tab of the UDOC.

Create Transaction window

5. Enter a Transaction Department (this is the user’s Home Department).

6. Enter a Transaction ID following the naming convention userIDyyymmdd (the CORE user ID followed by the current year, month, and day).  In the example below the UDOC was created on 07/19/2023 for a.weasley

a.  Note:  Transaction IDs are limited to 20 characters.  Truncate user IDs as needed to meet the 20-character limit.

Example Create Transaction field entries

7. Click the Continue button in the upper right hand corner. 

Continue button

8. Enter the User ID following the naming convention of the first initial of first name, period, and last name.  The User ID should be entered with all lowercase and NO special characters.  In the example below a.weasley is used for Arthur Weasley.

Example User Maintenance Header tab field entries

9. In the Directory Information section, enter:

Directory Information section field entries

10. In the Home Organization section, enter the user's Home Department in the Department field.  You may use the Division field as an optional data entry field to pre-assign a valid Department Code.

Home Organization section

Note:  The UDOC Validation step will not warn you if the Division code you have entered is not valid for the user’s department. An invalid code may prevent that user from creating financial transactions they are otherwise authorized to create. CORE Operations advises Controllers and Security Administrators who wish to use the UDOC Division field to take extreme care that only valid Division Code values are used.

11. In the Account Options section, 

Account Options section

12. In the Password Maintenance section check all three boxes:

Password Maintenance required check boxes

13. In the Applications section check both boxes:

Applications section

14. If PB Access is required (including Reporting):

Selecting PB Access as needed
Insert comment
Enter PB Access in the Subject field
highlight adding D_SW_UDOC_PBACC role under security role tab
highlight the addition of a userid under Reporting User Information (Needed for PB Access) section

NoteAs a best practice, comments should be added to a UDOC before it reaches the status of “Final”. CORE Operations will receive an automatic email notification from CORE when the PB Approval security role, D_SW_UDOC_PBACC, has been “Add”ed or “Update”d and additional security roles are “Add”ed on a user’s UDOC and it reaches the Final phase.

15. In the Dual Factor Authentication section enter:

Dual Factor Authentication section

16. Attach the SOA and CVEBV if applicable:

a. Click on the Attachments link on the right-hand side of the page

Attachments as applicable

b. This opens a new page for Attachments, using the Browse and Drop links select and attach the required documents.  Click Upload.

Upload attachments

17. Click the Save button in the upper right corner.

Save button

18. Click on the Security Roles tab.

Security Roles tab

19. To add a role click on the “+” (insert new line) button.

20. On the new line click on the Search and Select Security Role ID button.

Insert new line

21. Select the ANY role and click OK

22. Enter a unique Precedence number.  As a general rule of thumb, the Precedence value for
      the new line is one (1) more from the last record starting at 1 and adding sequentially. 

IMPORTANT   Precedence levels must be unique and you should never re-use a precedence number from an old security role, even if the security role has been deleted from the UDOC.  The transaction will not throw an error when validating, but the final approver of the UDOC will not be able to approve if precedence levels are repeated.  

Enter unique Precedence number

23. Then add any subsequent rows as required until all new security roles are added, repeating steps 19-22.

24. Click the Save button.

25. To add Foreign Org access, select the D_SW_UDOC_FORG security role, following steps 19-20 outlined above.  Then, select Insert Comment, and enter the following in the comment:

26. To add PB Access, select the D_SW_UDOC_PBACC security role, following steps 19-20 outlined above.  Then, select Insert Comment, and enter the following in the comment:

27. Click on the Business Roles tab

Business Roles tab

28. To add a new Business Role, click the “+” (insert new line) button

29. On the new line click on the Search and Business Role ID button.

30. Search and select the appropriate Business Role from the list and select OK

Business Role list

31. Click the Save button.

32. Repeat steps 28 -31 for any additional Business Roles. 

33. Click the Validate button in the upper right-hand corner.

Save and Validate

34. Correct any errors.

35. Submit the transaction from the Submit button in the upper right-hand corner.


NOTE: Users requesting access to the PB Application must receive authorization from the Controller(s) of the requested department(s). The approval to grant foreign organization access must be indicated by a comment by said Controller(s) on the UDOC listing authorized Security organizations and groups.

After requesting CORE PB Access, you will want to allow 2 to 5 business days for the System Administrator to process your request. (Note: Even if System Administration processes your PB Access on the same day that it was requested, you will still need to wait for the nightly cycle to process for your access to be active).

If it has been more than 5 business days and you’re having an issue accessing the PB Application, please email the CORE Help Desk ( for further help. Please be sure to include the CORE User ID, department code, transaction type, and a brief explanation of what you are trying to do (enter, approve, modify, etc.).