Known Issues
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Known Issues (No need to submit a ticket for these)
As a Buyer, why am I getting hourly emails that say vendor notifications are being sent for the same solicitation?
Description: These notifications are sent as part of the hourly sync cycle when all emails weren’t sent during the previous VSS cycle. The # of “emails were sent” should change for each hourly notice and will equal the total number of vendors notified.
Conversion Issue with Duplicate Business Types on some Vendor Records
Description: When trying to modify a vendor record, one gets the message "Another user has changed the same row for data object R_VEND_BUS_TYP."
Workaround: None at this time. Datafix Requested.
GAX Transactions using Misc Vendor Code w/Single Check set to Yes Does Not Net Successfully Resulting in Overpayment
Description: GAX Transactions do not net successfully when using the Misc. Vendor Code and Single Check Flag are set to Yes when there are Multiple Accounting Lines including a Credit line. The payment for the positive lines is paid to the Vendor and the credit line shows as an open balance which results in the vendor being overpaid. These situations would be vendors who are receiving a one-time payment - not expected to have further payment activity (example: Elk Refund). The GAX would remain on DISRQ and continue to show up on the System Hold Table indefinitely.
To clear this issue, the GAX must be modified, zeroing out the credit line, adding the supporting documentation as required by the agency, and processing the GAX Modification to Final. The GAX should then immediately be cleared from DISRQ and in the next nightly cycle the System Hold Report should also clear.
The overpayment would need to be addressed individually with the vendor.
Workaround: When creating a GAX transaction with multiple accounting lines (including a credit line) and using the Misc Vendor Code, please ensure that the Single Payment is No. The payment will be net and processed successfully in these situations.
General Navigation
Description: Favorites not working in the “Send Page” functionality.
Workaround: This is a known issue and has been reported to CGI. Currently the only option is to manually enter the email address or Copy/Paste it from another location.
HRM Nightly Cycle slowness / not completing
Description: Two jobs within the HRM Nightly Cycle are not processing timely, and as a result the HRM Nightly Cycle is not able to complete. As a result, any LA15 adjustments that would normally be processed nightly from CLAS/CPPS into HRM and to CORE Financial have not been processed since the CORE Upgrade go live.
Workaround: None. We are currently investigating issues with processing for the two impacted jobs so that this systemic process can be sped up.
infoAdvantage Prompt refresh time
Description: Reports: GA-015 Light Version for Central Payroll, and LDC-007 Light for Central Payroll. The same issue applies to the Statewide versions. When refreshing the prompt to get a list of, one example, GTN run numbers, the retrieval is very slow (several minutes).
Workaround: Do not refresh the list of values, just enter the prompt value manually.
Workflow process on Track Work in Progress screen
Description: Some department users see that their transaction is showing at the wrong level in the Track Work in Progress screen, but is in the correct queue level on the actual worklist screen for approvers to take task/approve.
Workaround: This issue does not affect the transaction's progression through the workflow. Transactions can still be processed to Final per existing workflow routing rules/levels. The issue is confusing for users because, on the screen, it appears to the user that the transaction is stuck when it is not.