Process Group/Policy Details
Subject: Inventory
Process Group: Warehouse
Title of Policy: Warehouse Entry
Effective Date: 07/01/2014
Approved/Revision Date: 07/01/2014
Approved by: State Controller
Process Group Description:
Warehouse Entry
The process group includes all related tables necessary for the creation of warehouses and addition of commodity codes into each warehouse.
Rationale or background to policy:
This policy is required to standardize how warehouses are created and configured within CORE and to address how to reconcile commodities on the INVN table to a respective warehouse in the WHSE table.
Policy Statement:
Departments shall provide and maintain accountability of warehouse creation and maintenance necessary and of commodities added or removed at each warehouse.
INV.PO.09.PR.01: Entry of a new Warehouse
New warehouses can be created when a department determines the need for a new one. Departments shall set up the following items prior to the warehouse being created:
1. Chart of Account elements entered
2. Procurement location table must have entry to match the address of warehouse
3. Commodity table must have active commodities
When creating a new warehouse, users must navigate to the Warehouse table (WHSE). This can be accomplished by using the Jump To feature or the Page Search. Click on the Insert hyperlink. The following fields are required:
General Information: Unique Warehouse ID, Description, Parent Warehouse (if applicable), System Source (Advantage), Warehouse Location
Management Control: Return Type, Percent Return Charge (if applicable), Fixed Return Charge, Check box if Backorders are allowed, Transfer Reorder (if applicable), Number of Alternate Orders, Confirmation Transaction Code (CI), External Confirmation Code (CIE), Stock Request Retention, Stock Issue Retention, Stock Adjustment Retention, Stock Transfer Retention, Application Resource (PI), Print Job (PI_FORM_PDF), Print Resource (PDF), View Forms Check box (if applicable)
Default Event Types: Accounting Method, Requisition Transaction Event Type, Purchase Order Transaction Event Type, Payment Request Default Event Type
Warehouse Fund Accounting: Fund, Default Object, Revenue, Department, Unit, Default BSA, COGS Object (if warehouse is using Consumption method) *** Save
INV.PO.09.PR.02 : Entry of Commodities into a Warehouse
Once a new warehouse is set up, Commodities must be added to the warehouse. All commodities are managed in the Inventory table (INVN). To add Commodities to a new Warehouse, click the Insert hyperlink. The following fields are required:
Header: General Information: Warehouse, Stock Item, Stock Item Suffix, Quantity per Issue, ABC Class, Active Flag (checked), UR Stock Request Transaction Code, Costing Method (Average Costing), Issue Unit, Purchase Unit, Multiplier, Smaller Unit, Keyword Search (if applicable), extended Description (if applicable)
Pricing: Pricing Method, Percent Surcharge, Fixed Surcharge, Maximum Surcharge, Standard Price, Maximum Issue, Minimum Issue
Location: Primary Bin *** Save
Additionally, you can also copy items from existing warehouses. From the INVN table, search for the commodity to be copied and select the commodity. Once the chosen commodity is selected, click the Copy hyperlink. Click the Paste hyperlink and update the following information:
Header: General Information: Change the Warehouse and update any information that is different from the original commodity and the new one.
Pricing: Update any information that is different from the original commodity and the new one.
Inferred COA Elements: Update any information that is different from the original commodity and the new one.
Location: Update the Primary Bin location in the new Warehouse.