Process Group/Policy Details
Subject: Cost Accounting
Process Group: Record and Track Grant/Project Costs
Title of Policy: CA_Record and Track Grant/Project Costs
Effective Date: 07/01/2014
Approved/Revision Date: 07/01/2014
Approved by: State Controller
In This Policy
Process Group Description
Record and Track Grant/Project Costs
This process group includes how Cost Accounting transactions can be submitted, posted, and then viewed on the Cost Accounting Journal and/or Budget Inquiry tables.
Rationale or background to policy:
CORE provides the ability to record grant and project costs utilizing standard CORE transactions. Submitted transactions tied to a Major Program are reflected in the Cost Accounting Journal, Cost Accounting Ledger and the established budget tables. The Cost Accounting Journals provide detail transaction history while the Cost Accounting Ledger provides summarized transaction history. The Reimbursement History (REIMHIST) table provides an inquiry on reimbursement transactions. Reimbursable and non-reimbursable budgets all have online query pages that allow departments to view the effect of their transactions in real time.
Policy Statement:
CA.PO.02 CA_ Record and Track Grant/Project Costs
Departments shall use Cost Accounting chart of account elements in addition to other departmental chart of account elements on other functional area (Procurement, Accounts Payable, etc.) transactions to record transactions. Standard transactions may be used to encumber, pay or receive funds. These include but are not limited to the GAX, MD, RE, CR, PO and PRC. The Cost Accounting Journal Voucher (JVC) is a Cost Accounting specific transaction used for grant/project corrections when using a PROGRAM code tied to a reimbursable Major Program (MJPRG) using Front-end Split functionality. Departments should monitor grant expenditures and budget balances to ensure compliance with grant requirements, avoid possible disallowed costs by grantors or overspending a grant. This can be done through InfoAdvantage reporting or through the use of the BQ screens in CORE for the appropriate budget structure.
CA.PR.02.1 Record Cost Accounting transactions
Cost Accounting elements are entered in the Detail Accounting tab for each Accounting line of an accounting transaction (GAX, PO, IN, PRC, RE, CR, etc.).
When creating transactions in CORE the MJPRG is inferred based on the Program code that is entered.
If a department has established Funding Profile Inferences on the appropriate tables, the Funding Profile is inferred based on the Chart of Account elements the Department is using. For example, Departments using PROGRAM codes to track their grants would use the FPI5 table.
Program Period Codes (PPCs) can be inferred automatically from the MJPRG by the reporting basis selected by that MJPRG. This element can also be hard-coded on the transaction.
CA.PR.02.2 Process a JVC
The Cost Accounting Journal Voucher (JVC) is a unique transaction within CORE– it is the only transaction that allows Funding Profile codes to be entered manually. More importantly, it is the only JV transaction that can be used with PROGRAM codes that tie to a Front-end Split MJPRG. This transaction should be used as necessary by the Department.
This is useful for entering corrections for transactions posted to reimbursable Major Programs (when modification of the original transaction is not possible).
Three cost accounting specific fields, the Funding Profile, the Funding Priority and the Funding Line are not available on any other transaction.
Since Fund is the only required element, the JVC transaction can also post to Chart of Account elements not related to Cost Accounting. As such, it should be subject to the same internal controls as other JV transactions.
The transaction does not have to impact a Funding Profile on every line, but does provide that ability when a MJPRG is used.
The JVC can be created manually, or can be created via the Reimbursable Expense Adjustment job chain.
While the JVC transaction can be used to create a Front-end Split of the transaction, the split must be calculated manually by the user. In other words, if the funding lines would normally split the accounting line expenditure into two or more charges, each funding line must be entered on the JVC at the proper split amount.
The JVC transaction will also create a reimbursable transaction that will lead to the creation of revenue and cash receipts if that is how the funding profile is configured. However, the amount of revenue that is earned will match the amount on the funding line of the JVC. For example, if a $100 JVC is created for a 75/25 split, the first line on the transaction would reference funding line 1 for $75 and the second line would reference funding line 2 for $25. Assuming funding line 1 is reimbursable, revenue of $75 would also be created. Thus the revenue earned is for the full amount entered for the reimbursable funding line, not 75% of the amount entered for the funding line.
CA.PR.02.3 Review transaction summary
Cost Accounting Journal (JCA): The Cost Accounting Journal provides detailed transaction history and is updated in real-time from processing accounting transactions containing Coast Accounting information.
Cost Accounting Ledger: The Cost Accounting Ledger provides summarized transaction data at the Chart of Account string level. The following ledgers are available:
APD (LAPDCA) – Accounting Period
FY (LFYCA) – Fiscal Year
BFY (LBFYCA) – Budget Fiscal Year
ITD (LITDCA) – Inception to Date
Reimbursement History: The Reimbursement History (REIMHIST) shows transaction level detail for reimbursement billing created by the automated reimbursement cycle.
The disbursement transaction that triggered a reimbursement, along with the output transactions are listed in the grid.
Budget inquiries: Each budget structure and level has a corresponding budget inquiry page that allows users a drill-down capability to view a record of every Cost Accounting transaction that increased or decreased that budget. This is updated in real-time as transactions are submitted. Budget structures used for cost accounting are 39 and 40 for revenue and 94 and 93 for expenditures for grants and projects, respectively.