Process Group/Policy Details
Subject: General Policy & Procedures
Process Group: Procurement
Title of Policy: Policies and Procedures Procurement Solicitations
Effective Date: 07/01/2014
Approved/Revision Date: 07/01/2014
Approved by: State Controller
In This Policy
Solicitation – Key Terminology
Key Terms/Codes
PRCUID - Procurement Management - Dept Buyer Team to manage Requisition to Award
PO - Purchase Order - Purchase Order issuance
POGG1 - Purchase Order Grants - Given Sub-recipient Grants Purchase Order issuance
CT - Contract - Contract issuance
CTGG1 - Contract Grants Given - Sub-recipient Grants Contract issuance
MA - Master Agreement - Agreement used by Depts to formalize terms, conditions, pricing, etc.
SPA1 - State Price Agreement - Agreement used Centrally by the State Purchasing
DO - Delivery Order - Order processed against a MA or SPA1 e.g. Ordering from a catalog or facilitating the current Task Order process.
Commodity Codes
Each Commodity Line can have only 1 commodity code
Use 5 digit commodity codes on Award transcations (Inventory will use 11 digit)
“Service” Commodity Codes start with the number 9 and must be used in conjunction with Line Type of Service
“Goods” Commodity Codes do not start with number 9 and must be used in conjunction with Line Type of Item
REMEMBER to flag “Active” when searching for Commodity Codes
Object codes will be inferred by Commodity Code on the Commodity Line
3 Way Matching will be driven by Goods related Commodity Codes
Award (PO, POGG1 or DO), Invoice (IN), & Receiver (RC)
Entry of RC is required before payment can occur
2 Way Matching will be driven by Services related Commodity Codes
Award & Invoice
Procurement Management
Procurement Management in CORE:
Is used to manage the procurement transaction lifecycle and requires commodity code analysis by Department Procurement Buyers to ensure commodity code based procurement requisition approvals are achieved.
Procurement requisitions are automatically assigned to Department Procurement Management (aka Dept Buyer Teams) via CORE Department Codes or to OIT Procurement Management (aka OIT Buyer Team) based on IT Commodity code.
REMEMBER: Use “Update Procurement” to change from “Dept Buyer Team” to the actual Buyer, after assignment. The actual Buyer name will appear appropriately on the subsequent Solicitation and Award.
When processing Sole Source RQS transactions, an attached Sole Source Justification should accompany the RQS.
Waiver Approvals are required to be attached to the RQS transaction, prior to submission (e.g. Personal Services, Training, IDS Printing, Furniture, and Real Estate).
Proprietary/confidential documents should not be attached to any Solicitation related transaction in CORE (e.g. DQ1, RFP, SR, EV, etc.).
Purchase Order
Purchase Orders in CORE (PO & POGG1):
Require a preceding procurement requisition and are used when there is no current Master Agreement or State Price Agreement. Exceptions to this requisition requirement are Emergency Procurement scenario--Department Procurement Office will provide direction.
Are used to encumber funds and obligate the State for all goods related procurements and for personal services procurements less than $100,000. Purchase Order in lieu of Contract requires approval from the State Controller’s Office – via Transaction Comments.
The Buyer will include Bond, Retainage, and Insurance information (as applicable) in the Procurement transactions PO & POGG1. Freight costs will be included in the line item costs on the Purchase Order.
POGG1 will be used for sub-recipient Grant procurements.
Final approved POs allow for a PDF Form to be generated and manually emailed to Vendor and do not require a “wet” signature, including Construction procurements. A blanket fiscal rule waiver will be issued by the Office of the State Controller.
A website link for Standard PO Terms & Conditions will be populated on the PO PDF Form. Modifications to the Standard PO Terms & Conditions will require approval from the State Controller’s Office via “Transaction Comments”. A Special Instruction option can be selected to inform the Vendor that the Standard Terms & Conditions have been modified. Send modified terms/conditions to Vendor with the CORE PO PDF.
Contracts in CORE (CT & CTGG1):
Require a preceding procurement requisition and are used when there is no current Master Agreement or State Price Agreements and are used to encumber funds and obligate the State for all personal services procurements greater than $100,000. Entry into CMS is also required – per Statute.
High Risk and Low Risk designations for the CT/CTGG1 can be established via the Reporting Category in the Header of these transactions. Revised policies issued by the Office of the State Controller will identify the criteria for each option.
The Buyer will include Bond, Retainage, and Insurance information (as applicable) in the Procurement transactions CT & CTGG1. Freight costs will be included in the line item costs.
CTGG1 will be used for sub-recipient Grant procurements.
The CT will be used to encumber funds for Capital Lease and requires 1 Commodity Line for the Principal & Interest with 2 accounting lines differentiating the Principal & Interest. When applicable, a 2nd Commodity Line may be required for Maintenance with 1 accounting line. The Commodity Lines will be a Service line type and use a Capital Lease commodity code. The multi-year nature will facilitated with the Multi-Year Contract event type direction.
Final Approved Contracts allow for a PDF Form to be generated and manually emailed to Vendor to accompany fully executed/bilateral paper contract and other supporting documentation.
Master & State Price Agreement
Master & State Price Agreements in CORE (MA & SPA1):
Master Agreements will be used by Departments and require a preceding procurement requisition.
State Price Agreements will be used Centrally by the State Purchasing Office & OIT Procurement.
High Risk, Low Risk, and General designations for the MA/SPA1 can be established via the Reporting Category in the Header of these transactions. Revised policies issued by the Office of the State Controller will identify the criteria for each option.
Delivery Order
Delivery Orders in CORE (DO):
Procurement requisitions (Specifically the RQS) will not precede a Delivery Order.
Are created from current Master Agreements and/or State Price Agreements (SPA1s). DOs encumber funds and obligate the State for all goods and services procurements from an Agreement.
Facilitates ordering from catalogs within SPA1s and the current Task Order process from Master Agreements.
DOs will infer High Risk, Low Risk, and General from the MA/SPA1 and will dictate workflow approvals.
The Buyer will include Bond, Retainage, and Insurance information (as applicable) in the Procurement transactions PO & POGG1. Freight costs will be included in the line item costs on the Delivery Order.
Only require a bilateral “wet” signature for personal services procurement greater than $100,000.
All task order related DOs require entry into CMS - per Statute.
Final Approved Delivery Orders allow for a PDF Form to be generated and manually emailed to Vendor and in Personal Services greater than $100,000 will accompany fully executed/bilateral paper contract and other supporting documentation.
Master Agreement External
Master Agreement External in CORE (MAE1):
Only used by Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) to establish an Award from the Soliciation process in CORE.
No encumbrance will occur and the CDOT or IHE user will be required to complete the formal encumbrance externally to CORE i.e. within an external financial system.
MAE’s will be appear in URCATS search results, but will not allow DO processing to occur.
Interagency/Intergovernmental Procurement
Interagency Procurements in CORE (Award Transactions):
Award Transactions will be used to facilitate Interagency Agreements:
Department-to-Department. State Cabinets and Departments will be identified on the VCUST Table (Vendor Customer) as Internal Vendors. By using the Award transactions, the resulting payment process from Department to Department will occur through the automated matching cycle (3 way or 2 way) and will facilitate an internal transfer of funds.
Department-to-Institute of Higher Education (external vendor codes generate warrants and internal vendor codes generate internal transfers). Departments will likely exclusively use External Vendor codes for Procurement Award transactions to Higher Education i.e. Higher Education is the vendor on the Award transaction and they will receive a Warrant for payment.
IT Procurement
IT Procurements in CORE:
RQS Workflow: RQS transactions with an IT Commodity Code in the below matrix, from Dept Codes within OIT statutory authority, will be routed to an OIT Approval, after the Department Approval occurs.
Buyer Assignment: Upon final RQS workflow approval, Procurement RQS transactions with an IT Commodity Code in the below matrix, from Dept Codes within OIT statutory authority, and are greater than $5,000 - will be automatically assigned to an OIT Buyer Team.
Solicitation: OIT will execute the Solicitation process.
Award: OIT will enter originating Dept Code at the header of the Award transaction(e.g. PO or CT). Upon submission, the Award transactions will be automatically routed through originating Dept workflow with Dept Accounting Lines.
Invoice & Receiver: Invoice entry will be initiated by Originating Dept when Dept funding is on the Award transaction. Receiving performed by entity that receives Goods.
NO Interagency PO’s with OIT
OIT Approval Group Cmdty Code Range1 Cmdty Code Range 2 Cmdty Code Range 3 Cmdty Code Range4 Cmdty Code Range 5
IT Goods & Software Technical Approval 20400-20699 20800-20999 28000-28099
IT Telecom Technical Approval 72600-73099 83800-84099 88300-88399
IT Services Technical Approval 91505-91599 91890 92000-92099 93900-93999 98400-98499
Multi-Year Encumbrances
Delivery Order, Purchase Order and Contract transactions (including Grant Given) can be setup to account for multiple year encumbrances by entering accounting lines on each commodity line for each year.
The current year accounting line will use the defaulted event type of PR05 with the line amount equal to the encumbrance amount for the current fiscal year.
The accounting line for any additional years will contain a line amount equal to the encumbrance amount for the applicable fiscal year with an event type equal to PR07 (Non- Accounting) and the Reserved Funding equal to Yes.
As a result, encumbrances will be accounted for in subsequent fiscal years.
Cancel and Close Award
Cancel Award
”Discard” the transaction that is in Final status
Use approach immediately after the Award transaction is Final, but the Award has not been issued to the Vendor.
Close Award
“Edit” the transaction that is in Final status
Use approach if Award transaction has been performed (services rendered or goods delivered).