CORE User Access Policy

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Process Group/Policy/Procedure Details

Security Policy 

User access is the establishment and maintenance of CORE users. End users granted access to CORE applications must comply with all information security requirements as specified in this Access Policy and in OIT Information Security Policies and Standards, including Colorado Information Security Policies (CISPs). These requirements extend to ensuring CORE applications are accessed on State-issued computing devices, or on approved Contractor business computing devices for the purposes of official Auditing activities. CORE access is secured via DFA (dual factor authentication) over the public internet from any device on any browser.  The State Controller may approve exemptions or waivers from this policy. 

Organizational Structure

Each department controller is the department security administrator for the departments under their purview. Department security administrators have the authority to manage user access to users in their departments. Each department controller may delegate CORE department security administration to his/her department staff. Department security administrators and delegates are responsible for entering and approving UDOCs to users in their department. 

User ID Naming Convention


The user ID should follow a standard naming convention comprised of several nodes up to a maximum of 16 characters. An example of a user ID and an explanation of each of the naming convention nodes are described below:


If the user ID is in use by another user, insert a number or replace the last character with a number when the character limit has been met.


• Aldon Smith = a.smith1

• Jeff Messersmithington = j.messersmithin1

• Katherine Doe = k.doe

• Larry Smith = l.smith

• Lacie Smith = l.smith1

UDOC ID Naming Convention

A UDOC is a transaction used to grant user access to CORE. A UDOC is created each time a user’s access is added or updated. The UDOC ID should follow a standard naming convention comprised of several nodes up to a maximum of 20 characters. An example of a UDOC ID and an explanation of each of the naming convention nodes are described below:


If a user’s access is modified more than once on the same day, append a letter or number at the end of the UDOC ID and truncate as needed. 


Password Requirement

Passwords must follow the minimum system requirements: 

Password Resets

Users can reset their password via two methods:

Password shall NOT be shared with anyone. If a user believes their password has been compromised they must reset their password immediately via the aforementioned methods.

Users have three attempts to sign into CORE successfully. Upon entering an incorrect password for the third attempt, the user’s account will be locked. At this point, they must contact the CORE Help Desk for assistance.

CORE will automatically force users to reset their passwords every 90 days.

Department Security Administration

Departments will administer CORE access requests with internal processes and grant the access required by a user’s job duties. Departments must disable access for any user who has terminated employment with their department. Access should be disabled as soon as possible, and at least within 30 days of employment termination/change. Additionally, departments are required to reconcile their terminated employees timely according to the Fiscal Procedures Manual to ensure all terminated employees have been disabled in CORE.

Central Approval

UDOCs will route centrally for several reasons:

When a UDOC routes centrally to the OSC for approval, the access will be reviewed based on the following criteria:

Prerequisites For Roles

There are roles in the application that require an extra level of discretion and pre-requisites before approval will be given by the OSC. These roles and their requirement are listed below:


The OSC’s Central Accounting and Vendor Operations (CAVO) will review UDOCs requesting access to this role.  Departments will be limited to two employees per cabinet. A CORE Vendor Entry Background Verification form is required when "Add"ing this role to a user's access.


The OSC’s Financial Services Unit (FSU) will review UDOCs requesting access to this role. This role is used to manage appropriation units on the APPR table. Completion of a FSU-led appropriations training is required before consideration will be given when “Add”ing this role to a user’s access.  Please contact for more information.

Foreign Organization Access

Foreign organization access constitutes extending a user’s access to include additional department codes to their home department (i.e. access to document entry and or table maintenance roles for another department). Department security administrators will communicate foreign organizational access needs with a comment on every UDOC explicitly listing departments the user needs access to. Proper procedure to communicate foreign organization access needs:

CORE Operations will receive an automatic email notification from CORE when the foreign organization security role, D_SW_UDOC_FORGN, has been “Add”ed or “Update”d, additional security roles are “Add”ed on a user’s UDOC, and it reaches the Final phase.

Note: Users requesting access to another department’s code(s) not under the purview of their department security administrator must receive authorization from the Controller(s) of the requested department(s). The approval to grant foreign organization access must be indicated by a comment from said controller(s) on the UDOC and listing the authorized department codes.

PB Access

PB Access constitutes extending a user’s CORE access to include access to the Performance Budget Application.  Department security administrators will communicate the PB access needs with a comment on every UDOC explicitly listing the Security Organization Codes the user needs access to and/or an existing PB User ID to mirror. 

Proper procedure to communicate PB Access needs:

Comments should be added to a UDOC before it reaches the status of “Final”. CORE Operation will receive an automatic email notification from CORE when the PB Approval security role, D_SW_UDOC_PBAPP, has been “Add”ed or “Update”d and additional security roles are “Add”ed on a user’s UDOC and it reaches the Final phase.

NOTE: Users requesting access to PB Application must receive authorization from the Budget Director of the user's home department.  This is indicated by a comment from the Budget Director on the UDOC.

Business Roles

Business Roles are new to CORE with the upgrade to Advantage 4.x.  The Business Role gives users a kind of shortcut homepage view specific to the user's actual job role.  These Business Roles do not affect the security and workflow access, they only visually present a homepage to specifically capture the intended type of work showing Quick Links and Widgets to help facilitate a user's job functions. 

Security Administrators need to add at least one Business Role to a UDOC for every new user, and should review existing assigned Business Roles for update UDOCs to ensure they align with the user’s job functions.  Users who are granted system access via a UDOC without a Business Role assigned will receive an error message and not be able to perform work until an update UDOC to assign a Business Role is completed.

Examples:  FIN BRoles for CORE

Access Ownership

Departments are responsible for ensuring that users in their department(s) do not have access to multiple user IDs. Access to one of the accounts should be disabled immediately, to the extent possible, when a duplicate user ID has been identified.

An exception to this is in circumstances of contract auditors that are auditing more than one agency. For the unique access needs that contract auditors require, department security administrators should set up an ID for the contract auditor for the home department that is being audited, following the standard CORE User ID naming convention. Since a single contract auditor may be auditing several agencies, the result is that an auditor may have User ID j.doe1 for home department AAAA and User ID j.doe2 for home department BAAA. It is recommended that AUDITOR be entered into the Locality field on the UDOC when the auditor is granted access. Department Controllers are responsible for ensuring appropriate access compliance for contract auditors in CORE for their home departments.

Statement of Agreement Form

A completed Statement of Agreement must be attached to a UDOC when the user is:

Access may be revoked if the user violates the Statement of Agreement.

CORE Vendor Entry Background Verification

A completed CORE Background Verification form must be attached to a UDOC when the user is “Add”ing the Department Vendor Creation Transaction Entry Role (D_U_VC_DOC_ENTRY).

Application Timeout

All CORE environments timeout after 60 minutes of inactivity and require the user to enter their password again to access the system.

Controller's Role

The controller reserves the right to grant or remove access for users in their departments as they see fit to meet the business needs.

Add New User Access

To add a new user who has never had access to CORE, the department security administrator or designee enters the UDOC:

The submitted UDOC will route for department approval and then, if certain conditions are invoked, route to the OSC for additional approval. Upon the application of the final approval, an automatic email notification from CORE with an auto-generated temporary password will be sent to the user’s email entered on the UDOC. Foreign organization access will be setup manually by CORE Operations, if applicable.

Modify User Access

To modify an existing user’s access, the department security administrator or designee enters the UDOC:

Remove foreign organization access, if applicable. When attempting to remove a security role that has an entry on the foreign organization table in CORE the following message will be displayed on the UDOC:

Email the CORE Help Desk ( when a UDOC receives the error above with subject Foreign Org Removal and include in the body of the email:

The submitted UDOC will route for department approval and then, if certain conditions are invoked, route to the OSC for additional approval. Existing users will not be sent an automatic email notification with a temporary password. The latest password used to log onto CORE will still be applicable. If necessary, see the steps in the documentation above for resetting a password. Foreign organization access will be setup manually by CORE Operations, if applicable.

Disable User Access

To disable an existing user’s access, the department security administrator or designee enters the UDOC in CORE. Remove foreign organization access, if applicable. When attempting to remove a security role that has an entry on the foreign organization table in CORE the following message will be displayed on the UDOC:

Email the CORE Help Desk ( when a UDOC receives the error above with subject Foreign Org Removal and include in the body of the email:

Once submitted the UDOC will route for department approval. Properly completed UDOCs for disabling access should not route to the OSC for approval.

Change User Access

Users are permitted to change their user ID when they have completed a name change with their Human Resources Department (e.g., gets married). To change a user’s ID:

Transfer User Access

CORE users who transfer cabinets or departments must use the same user ID within CORE regardless of where or how many times they transfer. To transfer an existing user’s access:

Internal CORE Operations Procedures 

Lock/Unlock Users

Users may be temporarily locked out of CORE. Security administrators may lock individual users and the CORE technical team may lock users en masse. A user access form is not required to lock users.

Lock Users Ad Hoc

Security administrators have the authority to lock individual users at their discretion. Security administrators should consider the following minimum factors in determining when it is appropriate to lock a user:

Lock Users En Masse

The State may need to lock users en masse for various reasons including, emergencies in which system activity must stop to remedy an issue, system maintenance, upgrades, and other downtime activities. The process for locking users is as follows:


EMERGENCYID and BATCH user IDs with administrator rights are available for checkout to CORE Operations staff. They are used to address critical issues that cannot be addressed by using a current security role or a combination of security roles, or the nature of the issue needs immediate remedy such that obtaining access through the standard UDOC process is not possible or reasonable based on the need. Procedure for requesting emergency ID:

It is the responsibility of the requestor and their manager to support and validate the use of EMERGENCYID or BATCH. All and any activity of EMERGENCYID or BATCH between the time the requestor is emailed the password and the ID is subsequently locked by the System Administration team, its usage and purpose, etc., is the responsibility of the requestor.

The EMERGENCYID or BATCH is valid for 24 hours from issuance (i.e., when the requestor is emailed the password). If use of the EMERGENCYID or BATCH is completed prior to 24 hours, the requestor should notify the System Administration team to disable the ID. Otherwise, the System Administration Team will disable the ID and reset the password after 24 hours unless an extension is requested prior to the 24-hour deadline.

The System Administration team will review EMERGENCYID and BATCH access incidents on a weekly basis to ensure an incident has been opened for its use. In the event a discrepancy is identified in review, the System Administrator will remediate the finding(s) accordingly.

Non-Production Access

User roles in non-production environments still follow the same rules as the production environment. Unless authorized, users must not have access, like production, to the following security roles:

Note: Users in the OSC and department users who play an instrumental role in any project testing may be provided ALL_UPDATE access at the discretion of the CORE System Administration team.