Purchase Items to Inventory

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Process Group/Policy Details

Process Group Description

Rationale or background to policy:

Policy Statement:

INV.PO.06 Purchasing into Inventory


INV.PO.04.PR.01 Purchasing Items from Inventory

INV.PO.04.PR.02 Inventory Replenishment

INV.PO.04.PR.03 Receiver Transactions

PR.PR.01.1 – Requisition – Standard Requisition Procedure(s)

Overview: Standard Requisitions will be used to initiate all purchases, with the following exceptions:

1. CDOT/Higher Ed requests will not be initiated by a Standard Requisition in CORE

2. Emergency Procurements

3. Goods and/or services are being purchased from a Price Agreement, Master Agreement or are a stocked inventory item.

RQS Transaction Creation

PR.PR.01.1 – Universal Requestor – Universal Requestor Procedure(s)

Overview: Universal Requestors will be used to initiate all of the following types of purchases:

1. Goods and/or services being purchased from a Price Agreement.

2. Goods and/or services being purchased from a Master Agreement.

3. Goods and/or services are being purchased to become a stocked inventory item.

4. Goods and/or services are being purchased from a catalogue or punch out session.

UR Transaction Creation

The following information is required when creating a UR transaction:

The following are sections within a UR transaction:

Lastly, the receiver transaction and policies surrounding the use of this transaction can be found in the procurement policy PR.PO.06 “Post Award”:

Receiver Types & General Information:

1. RC Transaction Code is used to reference existing Award transactions;

2. RS (the Stand Alone Receiver) Transaction Code is used to record received items into the system and the Award is either not known or still in Draft or Pending Status. As soon as an Award has been fully processed, users will use the RS to match the received quantities and service contract amounts to specific Award commodity Lines on the MatchRS section. After the reference has been entered, the newly submitted RS transaction will create a RC transaction.

Procedure INV.PO.04.PR.04 Receiving Overage in Inventory

Overages can be received on the Receiving Transaction. It is the responsibility of the departments to set those limits within the scope of acceptable guidelines.

Procedure INV.PO.04.PR.05 Receiving Differences in POs and Invoices Received

Overages regarding those in the financial spectrum can be received on the Receiving Transaction. It is the responsibility of the departments to set those limits within the scope of acceptable guidelines.

Procedure INV.PO.04.PR.06 Adding Shipping Charges

As items are procured and subsequently purchased for inventory usage, vendors will apply shipping cost to said order. Procedures regarding how the cost of shipping is added onto a purchasing transaction are outlined in the procurement policy PR.PO.05.2 “Award”.


Shipping/Freight costs will be included in the Solicitation transactions by requiring vendors to respond with freight included in the unit cost of the items. As a result the freight costs will be imbedded within the costs indicated on the Award transaction. In the case where Vendors late bill with the addition of shipping charges after the commodity has been shipped, it is the responsibility of the purchasing user to edit the purchasing transaction with the accurate shipping charges.