How to use the Excel Export and Import features in a Budget Request

When you log into CORE, you will land on the homepage for your primary assigned Business Role.  To see the Quick Links specific to Performance Budgeting, select a PB Business Role from the drop-down under your name.

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Quick Links are the colorful icons on the top of your homepage.  They provide direct access to CORE pages for the Business Role you are currently using, or they link to other resources like the CORE Support website.

CGI screenshot showing Transaction Catalog, Budget Inquiries, Procurement Management,  and other quick links at the top of the page.

This job aid explains how to use the Export and Import function in the Budget Lines tab of a budget request layout form within the Performance Budgeting application. Please note that the process is the same, regardless of layout. For the purposes of this guide, Budget Layout 060 was used as an example. 


When creating new budget request components (base adjustments, decision items, supplemental) it is sometimes helpful to create the request in Excel first and then import the data into PB. To create an Excel template that can later be imported into PB, do the following:


1. Create a new budget request.  Enter BUDR into the search menu from the
    horizontal menu across the top, then select enter to Formulate Budget Request

2. In this example, the budget layout 060_CY_Supplementals is illustrated.

Shows highlighted code field in the Filter section

3. After selecting the budget layout, select the CREATE button in the upper right-
    hand corner (to start a new request).

Shows highlighted create field in upper right of screen

4. In the New Request Header form, under Budget Request details, fill out the
    required information and SAVE.

a. Leave the Request Number/Item # blank

b. Enter the following required data:

See sample below for Supplemental Bill Load data to be entered.  

highlighted fields under budget request details

c. If applicable, answer the questions in the Budget Request Information section.

highlighted fields under budget request info

d. Complete the dimension/COA Elements section

highlighted fields under COA Elements area

5.  After you save, the Budget Lines tab becomes available.
Select the Budget Lines Tab.

6. Select the “+” to add a new line from the grid line menu.

highlight insert new line icon

7. Select the Export icon from the grid line menu

highlight export icon

8. Select open the file.

9. In Excel, select File, Save As.  


To import the data into the budget layout form, follow these steps:

1. Select the Import icon from the grid line menu.

highlight import icon

2. Select the Browse button, this will direct
        you to the files saved on your computer.
        Select the file you had previously saved
        to upload.

highlight of upload file

3. In this example, the file is named BudgetLineItems Test file.
        Select open.

hightlight of file select

4. Select Upload.  The budget layout form will be populated with the data from the excel spreadsheet.

highlight Upload button

5. Select Save, Save as Draft or Save and Close to complete the
        process.  Select the appropriate button in the upper right-hand

save, save as, save and close buttons