Creating an IET Transaction Referencing an Existing GAE
This job aid describes the process of creating an IET Transaction Referencing an Existing GAE.
Create or locate a GAE
Using this GAE as an example for the purposes of this job aid:
Create an IET (use these job aids as a reference to create):
NOTE: Make sure Provider/Seller is selected in the Initiator drop-down menu under the Header tab.
Select the Exchange Details tab.
Click the "+" to insert a new line, as needed.
Expand the arrow on the left in the highlighted row to show more fields.
In the General Information sub section, fill out event type.
Select the 2nd Party Accounting tab.
Click the "+" to insert a new line, as needed.
Select the Reference sub sub section
Complete the fields using the GAE from earlier.
Referenced Transaction Code
Referenced Transaction Department
Referenced Transaction ID
Referenced Vendor Line
Referenced Accounting Line
Reference Type
Validate and Submit the transaction.