Creating FY2025 Requisitions, Solicitations and Awards


For the purposes of this job aid,

In preparation of the new Fiscal Year, a future fiscal year Requisition (RQS), Solicitations and Award transactions can be created in CORE. The current fiscal year RQS documents (those with accounting lines containing Budget Fiscal Year/Fiscal Year identifiers of the current year) can be utilized to create future fiscal year awards IF the associated accounting lines on the RQS are liquidated and updated with a Budget Fiscal Year/Fiscal Year value of the current fiscal year.

Creating a new Future Fiscal Year RQS Transaction

The auto-numbering (ADNT) table is not configured to allow a prefix of future fiscal year in the Transaction ID field when creating a RQS.

2.  Enter future fiscal year before any title in the Transaction Description field. This allows buyers to
     identify the transaction as having future fiscal year elements associated with it when viewed in the
     Procurement Folder.

highlight header tab, general information section for fiscal year, budget year and period fields

Note: If you need to make a modification to your new RQS before the new fiscal year, please make sure to re-enter a value of the future fiscal year in the Fiscal Year field of the header and a value of ‘1’ in the Period field. Leaving these fields blank will default to a value to the current fiscal year in the Fiscal Year period as well as the current period in the Period field.

Creating a Future Fiscal Year Solicitation Transaction

The steps in this section apply to the following transaction codes:

• Documented Quote (DQ1)

• Invitation for Bids (IFB1)

• Request for Information (RFI)

• Request for Proposal (RFP)

• Notice of Proposed Sole Source (NPSS1)

• Request for Quotes (RFQ)

• Request for Qualifications (RFQ1)

The auto-numbering (ADNT) table is not configured to allow a prefix of the future fiscal year in the Transaction ID field when creating a solicitation. If you would like the information to show up in the procurement folder you can enter the fiscal year into the Transaction Description. Please note that this information will be viewable by vendors in VSS.

highlight transaction description to include fiscal year

Using an existing Current Fiscal Year RQS to create a Future Fiscal Year Award

To generate a future fiscal year award from a Requisition (RQS) with accounting line BFY/FY identifiers of current fiscal year and an Event Type of PR01 or PR02, the following corrections will need to be made to those accounting lines to prevent cross-fiscal year budget issues:

1. Reduce all existing accounting lines in the RQS with a Budget FY value of current fiscal year down to an amount of $0.

2. Add new accounting lines for each reduced accounting line with an entry of future fiscal year in the Budget FY and Fiscal Year fields and a value of ‘1’ in the Period field.


highlight before RQS header with  budget fy, fiscal year and period fields


highlight RQS header with  budget fy, fiscal year and period fields

Note: If the RQS was created with an Event Type of PR05, follow the same steps as those detailed above for each accounting line containing a Budget FY value of current fiscal year. Also update the accounting line to contain an Event Type of PR01 or PR02 before copying forward to a future fiscal year award.

Creating a Future Fiscal Year Award/Encumbrance Transaction

The steps in this section apply to the following transaction codes:

• Purchase Order (PO)

• Purchase Order Grants Given (POGG1)

• Contract Grants (CT)

• Contract Grants Given (CTGG1)

• Delivery Order (DO)

• Master Agreement (MA)

• State Purchasing Agreements (SPA1)

To create a future fiscal year award document, follow the steps detailed in one of the following scenarios (Note: After completing one of the scenarios, you will need to follow the steps “Completing the Award Document”):

● Scenario 1: (Copy Forward) Creating a Future Fiscal Year Award from an RQS

● Scenario 2: Creating a Future Fiscal Year Award from an Evaluation Transaction (EV)

● Scenario 3: Creating a Stand-Alone Future Fiscal Year Award from the Transaction Catalog Page

Scenario 1: (Copy Forward) Create a Future Fiscal Year Encumbrance from an RQS

1. Copy Forward from the RQS by clicking the 3 dots in the upper right-hand side of the screen and selecting the Copy Forward option.

highlight the 3 dot menu to select the copy forward option on the upper right hand side of screen

2. Populate these fields accordingly in the target transaction section, for example:

a. Transaction Department Code (ex: AAAA)

b. Transaction ID field: 2025 (future fiscal year)

c. Transaction Unit Code (only if needed)

d. Check the Auto Numbering checkbox

e. Highlight the desired award Transaction from the available options

f. Select OK

highlight fields for copy forward rqs fields in target transaction section

Scenario 2: Creating a Future Fiscal Year MAE1/MAE2 Award from an Evaluation Transaction (EV)

1. Use the following fields located under the Transaction Creation section in the header of the Evaluation (EV) transaction to generate the Future Fiscal Year award transaction:

a. Transaction Code (ex: MAE2)

b. Transaction Department Code (ex: AAAA)

c. Transaction Unit Code field (only if needed)

d. Select Auto Numbering

e. Go to the 3-dot menu on right side and select the  ‘Create Transaction’ option

highlight the transaction Creation for mae2 code and other fields
highlight 3 dot menu for create transaction command

Note that the auto numbering (ADNT) table is not configured to allow a prefix of future fiscal year in the Transaction prefix field when creating a MAE2. If you would like the information to show up in the procurement folder you can enter the fiscal year into the Transaction Description once the MAE2 is created.

Scenario 3: Creating a stand-alone Future Fiscal Year Encumbrance from the Transaction Catalog page

1. To create a standalone (no preceding RQS) award from the Transaction Catalog page, fill in these fields to begin the process.
    For example:

a. Transaction Code (ex: CT)

b. Select the ‘Create’ button

highlight create button field

c. Dept field: The Transaction Department Code (ex: AAAA)

d. Unit field (only if needed)

e. Transaction ID: 2025 (future fiscal year)

f. Check the Auto Numbering checkbox

g. Select the ‘Continue’ button to create your transaction

highlight the create transaction fields: transaction code, transaction id, transaction dept, checking the auto numbering box

Completing the Award Transaction

1. In the Transaction Header, populate the following fields as shown in the example below:

a. Budget FY: 2025 (future fiscal year)

b. Fiscal Year: 2025 (future fiscal year)

c. Period: 1

highlight header tab, general information section for fiscal year, budget year and period fields

2. Check the accounting line(s). If there are any entries of current fiscal year in the Budget FY field, discard the award and revisit the instructions in the “Using an existing current fiscal year RQS to create an
    future fiscal year award” section of this transaction to liquidate any current fiscal year accounting lines and replace
    them with future fiscal year accounting lines.

highlight checking the accounting lines for entries in budget fy, fiscal year and period

3. Finish entering any additional information into your award before re-validating and submitting it into workflow.