Amend an Expense Budget (BG03)

Process - Amend an Expense Budget (BG03)

This job aid describes the process to amend a BGE192 Budget Document

1. Create a BGE192 Budget Document.

a. In the Global search enter DOCATLG and Select the Transaction Catalog (Financial).  

b. In the Transaction Catalog, click the CREATE button and enter

DOCATLG in the search box with Create Transaction screen showing transaction code, transaction department, auto numbering, and continue highlighted

2. Select Expense Level 4.

a. Click on the + sign to insert a new line.

b. Enter valid elements for the following:

Perform Rollup Lines action

3. Click on the section 3-dot menu and then click Roll up.  The budget line will be populated for Levels 3, 2, and 1

4.  In the upper right-hand corner, Click the Validate Button. Correct any errors that are displayed at the top of the page.  

5.  Once the Transaction validates successfully click the Submit Button

6.  In the Global Search Bar enter

BQ192LV4, 3, 2, or 1

In the search section enter BFY and click APPLY

Global Search Bar

7.  User should be able to verify that the Budget is created at all levels.

Expense by Location: Level 4