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A resource to help you understand the different aspects and terminology within the CORE website
ABC Classification Parameter (ABCP)
ABCP (ABC Classification Parameter) - Warehouse manager uses this table to setup the new ACB group parameter.
ABDL (Accounting-Based Transaction Lapse)
ACC (Manual Accrual) - Manual Accrual is used to manually record an accrual either in bulk or for a known receipt of goods or services where a request for payment has not occurred. This transaction is used during accrual processing.
ACD (Accrual Disallowance) - ACCA and ACLA, the accounting records generated are corrected using a transaction.
ACFR (Annual Comprehensive Financial Report)
ACL (Manual Accrual Clearing) - Manual Accrual Clearing transaction is used to reference (clear) the ACC once the goods or services have been paid for.
ACLA (Automated Accrual Clearing) - The same as the ACL but created through the Automated Accrual Clearing batch process.
AD (Automated Disbursement) - Liquidates the payable and generates a payment in the form of a warrant.
AETDC (Allowable Event Types for Transaction Code)
ALOC (Cost Allocation Control Setup Table)
AP01 (Authorized Normal Payment) - Event Type that is applicable to these payment transactions: GAX, PRC, PRM, PRC1. Debit to Expense and Credit to Liability (cash is impacted when EFT or warrant has cleared the bank).
AP03 (Authorized Retainage Payment) - Debit to Liability and Credit to Liability.
AP06 (Authorized Deposit Refund) - Event type that is applicable to this payment transaction: GAX. Debit to Asset and Credit to Liability. Use to record a deposit refund. Must be used with AR21 to clear accounting.
AP07 (Authorized Prepayment Refund) - Debit to Liability and Credit Liability. Must use with AR13
AP08 (Authorized Unreserved Credit Balance Refund) Debit to Liability and Credit to Liability. Must use with AR40.
AP09 (Authorized Reserved Credit Balance Refund) - Debit to Liability and Credit to Liability. Must use with AR41.
AP10 (Authorized Earned Revenue Refund) - Event type that is applicable to this payment transaction: GAX. Debit to Earned Revenue and Credit to Liability. Must be used with a prior event of AR02 to clear accounting.
AP17 (Liability Payout Authorization) - Event type that is applicable to this payment transaction: GAX. Debit to Liability and Credit to Liability.
AP18 (Asset Payout Authorization) - Event type that is applicable to this payment transaction: GAX. Debit to Asset and Credit Liability.
APD (Accounting Period-to-Date)
APCAT (Appropriation Category)
APCLS (Appropriation Class)
APGRP (Appropriation Group)
APPR (Appropriation)
APTYP (Appropriation Type)
Appropriation Unit
ARE (Accrued Receivable Transaction)
ATS (Automated Transaction Submission)
A6368 - Invalid Funding Split setting: This posting code's Expense Bucket is used in the Reimbursement Budget Availability formula on APPCTRL, so the Posting Code Split type cannot be 'N/A'
BA (Budget Amendment)
Back End Split - The funding source calculations are performed by generating charge transactions during the offline reimbursement process, instead of at the point of entry.
BATRUN (Batch Run)
BBALD (Inception-to-Date Balance Detail)
BBALS (Inception-to-Date Balance Summary)
BBALFY (Fiscal Year Balance Detail)
BBG94 (Grant Budget) - Used to create an expenditure budget for a grant Budget Structure 94.
BES (Back End Split) - The funding source calculations are performed by generating charge transactions during the offline reimbursement process, instead of at the point of transaction entry.
BFY (Budget Fiscal Year)
BGA190 (Legal Budget transaction)
BGA191 (Bottom Line Funding)
BGE192 (Departmental Expense Budget)
BGG194 (Grant Budget Transaction) - Used to create an expenditure budget for a Grant-like Program with Program Period in Budget Structure 194.
BGP193 (Project Budget) - Used to create an expenditure budget for a Project-like Program with Phase in Budget Structure 193.
BGPDR (Program Period Reimbursable) - Used to create a revenue budget for a reimbursable Grant-like Program with Program Period in Budget Structure 39.
BGPHR (Phase Reimbursable Budget) - Used to create a revenue budget for a reimbursable Project-like Program with Phase in Budget Structure 40.
BGP193 (Project Budget) - Used to create an expenditure budget for a project Budget Structure 93.
BGPDR (Program Period Reimbursable Budget) - Used to create a revenue budget for a reimbursable grant Budget Structure 39
BGPHR (Phase Reimbursable Budget) - Transaction for Phase Reimbursable Budget (Used to create a revenue budget for a reimbursable project Budget Structure 40
BGR1 - Non-Appropriated, Perform Budget Rollup, Rollups, SAI Table/Transactions, Smart Budget Rollup, Special Bills, Supplemental Bills
BPRO (Billing Profile Table) - You can create the data required for billing and collections using the BRPO table. Information such as billing types, billing instructions, collection parameters, account receivable options, and special accounts options are entered on this page.
BQ190LVx (Appropriation Type, Unit, and Fund Detail)
BQ191LVx (Appropriation Group, Unit, Fund Detail)
BQ192LVx (Departmental Expense Budget Level 1)
BQ39LV* Various online inquiry pages for Budget Structure 39 for a Grant-like Program with Program Period from inception to date: BQ39LV1 at Funding Priority Level and BQ39LV2 at Funding Line Level.
BQ40LV* Various online inquiry pages for Budget Structure 40 for a Project-like Program with Phase from inception to date: BQ40LV1 at Funding Priority Level and BQ40LV2 at Funding Line Level.
BQ93LV* Various online inquiry pages for Budget Structure 93 for a Project-like Program with Phase per Budget Year: BQ93LV1 at Major Program Level, BQ93LV2 at Program Level, BQ93LV3 at Phase Level, and BQ93LV4 at Appropriation Unit Level.
BQ94LV* Various online inquiry pages for Budget Structure 94 for a Grant-like Program with Program Period per Budget Year: BQ94LV1 at Major Program Level, BQ94LV2 at Program Level, BQ94LV3 at Phase Level, and BQ94LV4 at Appropriation Unit Level.
BSA (Balance Sheet Account)
Budget Control - The setting of budget controls in CORE is a feature that controls spending so that transactions cannot exceed pre-defined limits put in place by the Legislature, Budget Office, or Management.
BYSTPFSL (BFY Staging Profile)
CA (Cost Allocation Transaction) Used to record accounting events with cash that are created during the Cost Allocation Process.
Capital Lease - CRS 24-30-201(l) defines a capital lease as defined in generally accepted accounting principles issued by the governmental accounting standards board that the controller prescribes for the State as specified in section 24-30-202(12
CAS (Cost Accounting Setup) Used to establish multiple cost accounting related tables within a single transaction.
CACT (Customer Account Options Table) - The primary place to establish and maintain billing options for customers. It also allows you to establish Customer Code and Billing Profile code combinations.
CAPA (Cost Allocation Parameter Table)
CBDL (Commodity-Based Transaction Lapse)
Cost Accounting Setup (CAS) - Used to establish many cost accounting-related tables.
CCD (Cash Concentration and Disbursement) entries are used for companies or organizations on an EFT Disbursement
CCS (Central Collection Services)
CFDA (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number) - A unique number (in the format of XX.XXX) that is assigned to most grants by the Federal Government and will follow the program throughout the lifecycle allowing for data and funding transparency.
CGI Inc. (Consultants to Government & Industries) A multinational information technology consulting and Software Development Company.
CH (Charge Document) Used to process Cost Accounting specific accounting events and typically solely updates the Cost Accounting Journal, such as Back End Split Charges, Revenue Credits, and Charges.
CHC (Charge Transaction Correction) - Used to perform Cost Accounting corrections where Front End Split is automatically inferred from the Program.
CHREC (Check Reconciliation) - Table to check for transactions that are warranted by not cashed.
CI (Confirmation of Issue) - It records the number of goods issued to the requestor. It must reference the stock request transaction (SRQ).
CIE (Confirmation of Issue for External Customers)
COA (Chart of Account)
COMM (Commodity Code Table)
COMMFA (Commodity Codes in Fixed Assets Table)
COMMOB (Commodity Object)
CORE (Colorado Operations Resource Engine)
CORE Training (State Learning Management System) = CORE training is offered through Talent LMS and can be accessed at this URL:
CR (Cash Receipt) Used to record cash collected for a Program.
CR1 (Cash Receipts)
CRB1 Detailed Cash Receipt Interface
CT (Contract) - Contract Issuance - Transaction used to procure goods and services and restrict budget with an encumbrance.
CTGG1 (Contract Grants Given) - Used for sub-recipient grant encumbrances > = $100,000
CY (Current Year)
DDG Table (Draw Down Group) Used to set up valid Drawdown Groups, which can be selected on the Program (PROG) or the Major Program (MJPRG) table.
DEPT (Department)
DEPH (Fixed Asset Depreciation History)
DI (Decision Item)
DO (Delivery Order) - Initiates the Procurement process by requesting goods/services that are available via Master Agreement (MA) or State Price Agreement (SPA1)
DOCATLG (Transaction Catalog) - A repository where you can perform certain actions and queries.
DQ1 (Documented Quote) - Solicitations for goods/services less than $150,000
DSCRDLOG (Transaction Discard Log Table)
DUNS Number - The Data Universal Numbering System, abbreviated as DUNS or D-U-N-S, is a proprietary system developed and managed by Dun & Bradstreet that assigns a unique numeric identifier, referred to as a "DUNS number" to a single business entity.
EA (Expenditure Authority (shows on schedules for transfers)
EFT/ACH (Electronic Funds Transfer) - Transaction liquidates the payable and generates a payment. The payment is in the form of Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)/ACH
ERQ (Event Type Requirements)
ETL (Extract Transform Load)
ETYP (Event Type) - A high level of accounting activity assigned to a transaction’s accounting line. The event type manages the smaller accounting components of an accounting, budgeting, or non-accounting activity. It brings in particular rules for data entry concerning referenced transactions, customer codes, vendor codes, and all defined chart of account elements in the system.
EV (Evaluation) - Used to gather and evaluate solicitation responses
FA (Fixed Asset Acquisition)
FACC (Fixed Asset Capitalization Criteria)
FACLG (Fixed Asset Catalog)
FADE (Fixed Asset Disposition Entry)
FADM (Fixed Asset Acquisition/Disposition)
Fair Value of Leased Property - The price for which the property could be sold in an arm’s length transaction between unrelated parties. This price should reflect any volume or trade discounts that may be applicable. GASB Statement No. 62, paragraph 271.
FAIT (Fixed Asset Internal Transfer)
FARO (Fixed Asset ReOrg Parameter)
FATP (Fixed Asset Type)
FAWR (Fixed Asset Warranty)
FAHIST (Fixed Asset History Table)
FAPR (Fixed Asset Payment Request)
FARARCTG (Fixed Asset Registry Accounting Table)
FARCOMP (Fixed Asset Registry Component)
FARHDR (Fixed Asset Registry Header Table)
FAUP (Unpend a Fixed Asset Shell)
FB (Fixed Asset Betterment)
FBALS (Fund Balance Summary)
FC (Fixed Asset Cancellation)
FD (Fixed Asset Disposition Transaction)
FE (Fixed Asset Depreciation Expense)
FES (Front End Split) - The funding source calculations are performed at the point of transaction entry by creating posting lines from inferring the COAs in the accounting lines and Funding Profile setup of the Major Program.
FIN (Financial Production Environment)
Fi (Fixed Asset Increase/Decrease)
FM (Fixed Asset Modification of Warranty Transaction)
FNCHG (Finance Chart Setup Table) - Table used to define the characteristics of fees used in the finance charge process.
Front End Split - When you enter a transaction, the system generates posting lines using the implied COAs and the Major Program's Funding Profile.
FPI# (Funding Profile Inference) - To define the inference rules for the Funding Profile codes to be used by accounting and procurement transactions. Department, Major Program, Program, Funding Profile, and Reimbursement Eligible Status are required for all 6 inference tables and each table can have other required COA elements:
FPI1 – Phase, Program Period, Fiscal Year, Activity and Object
FPI2 – Used to define the inference of a Funding Profile from the Department, Major Program, Program, and Phase (most often used for Project-like programs).
FPI3 – Program Period, Activity and Fiscal Year
FPI4 – Program Period
FPI5 – Used to define the inference of a Funding Profile from the Department, Major Program, and Program. No Additional COAs (most often used for Grant-like programs)
FPI6 – Used to define the inference of a Funding Profile from the Department, Major Program, Program, and Task.
FPRFLST (Funding Profile Select) - Used to search for Funding Profiles with high-level code that captures the billing characteristics of an expenditure within a Major Program. The table provides a link for accessing further information on the selected profile and for adding a new Funding Profile with associated Funding Priority, Funding Line and Internal Buyer Funding Line information.
Funding Line – To provide the information related to each internal or external funding participant within the associated funding agreement.
Funding Priority – To define one or more sequential billing ceilings according to the agreements with funding sources.
Funding Profile – To identify funding relationships within a Major Program and establish a high-level code that captures the billing characteristics of expenditures/revenue
FREQDT (Reimbursement Frequency Date) Used to establish the reimbursement frequencies for each calendar date. The table is a key input to the Reimbursement Generation Process: only expenditures using a Funding Profile with the reimbursement frequency selected in the table are included in the reimbursement for the selected date.
FSC (Funding Source Code)
FSU (Financial Services Unit)
FT (Fixed Asset Transfer)
FTE (Full Time Equivalent)
FUND (Fund)
FX (Fixed Asset Type Change)
FY Fiscal Year (starts on July 1 and ends on the following June 30)
GAE (General Accounting Encumbrance) - Optional encumbrance transaction used with a GAX to record budget restrictions when an award is not required.
GAP (General Accounting Pre Encumbrance)
GAX (General Accounting Expenditure) - Payment transaction not requiring an award (i.e., travel expense).
GFAAG (General Full Accrual Account Group (Fund 4710))
GLM (Grants Lifecycle Management)
Grantee - The Department receiving the Grant
Grantor - The Entity that makes a Grant to a Department
GRNTDTT (Grant Date Definition Template) enables the user to establish a template for a Department and Grant Status.
GRNTDET (Grant Date Definition Template Details) - allows a user to associate the Grant Date Codes set up on the Grant Date Definition table with a Template ID (for a Department and Grant Status) to be set up on the Grant Date Definition Template table.
GRNTFS (Grant Funding Source Template) - allows a user to set up types of propositional funding such as funding that comes from a legislative proposal.
GRNTSPA (Grant Service Planning Area Template) - allows a user to set up Service Planning Areas (SPA) for example regions, areas, etc.
GRNTTMPL (Grant User Group Template) - allows users to group many grant users into a User Group Template. The User Group Template can then be associated with a Status “date” record on the Grant Date Definition Template Details table. This table's goal is to make it easier to associate "grant users," with Status Date entries.
GRNTUSER (Grant User Template) - captures any individual (and their contact information) that will be receiving notifications/alerts from Grantee. In order for the Grantee to notify/alert a “grant tracking user”, a record ought to be created, but it is not required. This information is associated with alert user groups via the Grant User Group Template page for both notifications and alerts.
GRNTLB (Grant Legislative Body Template) - allows a user to track applications that are submitted in the various governmental Branches/jurisdictions.
GRAM (Grant Amendment) - allows a user to enter an amendment to a grant award.
GTAMR (Grant Amendment Revision)/GTOPR (Grant Opportunity Revision)/GTAWR (Grant Award Revision)/GTAMR (Grant Amendment Revision)/and, GTCOR (Grant Close Out/Audit Revision) - Modifications to GTOP, GTAP, GTAW, GTAM, and GTCO information are made easy by revision transactions. The proper status folders will update with the new data after submitting a revision transaction.
GTAMSF (Grant Amendment Status Folder) - In Grantee there are two options for providing grant data, Grant Transactions (GTOP, GTAP, GTAW, etc.) and the Status Folders. Status Folders act as a file cabinet, skipping workflow, and are available to all users as the primary source for the most recent data. Grant transactions may not be visible to or available to all users, but they do allow process and support approvals (if required).
GTAOD (Grant Available Opportunity Detail) - provides a detailed overview of the grant opportunity.
GTAOS (Grant Available Opportunity Summary) - provides a linear summarized view of grant opportunities.
GTAP (Grant Application) - allows a grant user to enter an application for a specific Grant Opportunity (GTOP).
The following transactions facilitate revisions to existing GTOP, GTAP, GTAW, GTAM, and GTCO and information previously entered. The relevant status folders will update with the new data after submitting a revision transaction.
GTAMR (Grant Amendment Revision)
GTAPR (Grant Application Revision)
GTAWR (Grant Award Revision)
GTCOR (Grant Close Out/Audit Revision)
GTOPR (Grant Opportunity Revision)
GTAPSF (Grant Application Status Folder) -In Grantee there are two options for providing grant data, Grant Transactions (GTOP, GTAP, GTAW, etc.) and the Status Folders. Unlike Status Folders, which serve as a central repository and negate workflow because they are the primary source for the most recent data, Grant Transactions allow the workflow to include approvals (if needed). Status Folders are the primary source for the most recent data. But, they may not be available and/or accessible to all users. With that in mind, not all users will have the rights to update Status Folder tables.
GTAW (Grant Award) - Offers centralized tracking of the award approval progress as well as other criteria. This feature also enables the creation of grant award information.
GTAWSF (Grant Award Status Folder) - There are two ways to provide data in Grantee: the Status Folders and Grant (GTOP, GTAP, GTAW, etc. Unlike Status Folders, which serve as a central repository and negate workflow because they are the primary source for the most recent data, Grant Transactions allow the workflow to include approvals (if needed). Status Folders are the primary source for the most recent data. But, they may not be available and/or accessible to all users. With that in mind, not all users will have rights to update Status Folder tables.
GTCO (Grant Closeout/ Audit) - allows for the auditing and closing of a Grant.
GTOP (Grant Opportunity) - Enables users to specify the Grant Users who will receive notification of a Grant as well as enter information about the Opportunity. In some cases, this transaction can be pre-populated by grant opportunities coming out of
GTOPSF (Grant Opportunity Status Folder) - In Grantee, there are two options for providing grant data, Grant Transactions (GTOP, GTAP, GTAW, etc.) and the Status Folders. Unlike Status Folders, which serve as a central repository and negate workflow because they are the primary source for the most recent data, Grant Transactions allow the workflow to include approvals (if needed). Status Folders are the primary source for the most recent data. But, they may not be available and/or accessible to all users. With that in mind, not all users will have rights to update Status Folder tables.
GRCOSF (Grant Close-Out/Audit Status Folder) - In Grantee, there are two options for providing grant data, Grant Transactions (GTOP, GTAP, GTAW, etc.) and the Status Folders. Unlike Status Folders, which serve as a central repository and negate workflow because they are the primary source for the most recent data, Grant Transactions allow the workflow to include approvals (if needed). Status Folders are the primary source for the most recent data. But, they may not be available and/or accessible to all users. With that in mind, not all users will have rights to update Status Folder tables.
GTNTSF (Grant Notification Status Folder) -In Grantee, there are two options for providing grant data, Grant Transactions (GTOP, GTAP, GTAW, etc.) and the Status Folders. Grant transactions provide for the workflow to include approvals (if desired) but may not be open and/or accessible to all users; whereas Status Folders act as a central repository, bypassing workflow, and is visible to all users because this is the central repository for the most recent data. With that in mind, not all users will have rights to update Status Folder tables.
GTRE (Grant Response) - A person can choose whether or not to apply for a grant opportunity using the Grant Response transaction. Final versions of the Grant Response transaction update the Grant Response Status Folder (GTRESF).
GTRESF (Grant Response Status Folder) - In Grantee, there are two options for providing grant data, Grant Transactions (GTOP, GTAP, GTAW, etc.) and the Status Folders. Grant transactions provide for the workflow to include approvals (if desired) but may not be open and/or accessible to all users; whereas Status Folders act as a central repository, bypassing workflow, and is visible to all users because this is the central repository for the most recent data. With that in mind, not all users will have rights to update Status Folder tables.
HB (House Bill)
HOSTED CATALOG (Hosted Catalog) - Display of individual items from a State Price Agreement within CORE
HR Works
HRM (Human Resource Management)
‘I’ Notation
iA (Info Advantage)
IA (Inventory Adjustment) - It is used to make adjustments to on hand quantities and costs on the Inventory Maintenance tables.
IC (Inventory Correction) - is used to correct all other quantities but on hand quantity on the INVNQ table.
IA (Inventory Adjustment)
IC (Inventory Correction)
IET (Internal Exchange Transaction)
IET1 (Internal Exchange Transaction)
IFB1 (Invitation for Bids) - Solicitation for goods/services greater than $150,000
IIA (Internal inventory stock adjustment) - It records direct inventory purchases outside of the regular inventory procurement process.
ILOC (Inventory by location) - This table is to create different inventory location, location priority and view quantities in each location.
IN (Invoice) - - Records the Vendor’s invoice and initiates payment.
INVHS (Invoice Print History Table): Allows you to view history information of the invoices generated in CORE.
INVF (Inventory freeze) - The physical count quantity is entered on INVF table.
INVN – Inventory maintenance. Stock items details could be setup on this table.
INVNQ (Inventory inquiry) - This table display inventory details and different quantities.
INVNU – Inventory usage history and forecast maintenance. The table displays issue history for up to three years, and forecast information for up to two years.
INVQ (Invoice Inquiry) - View and query invoice status
ITA (Internal Transaction Agreement)
ITD (Inception-to-Date)
ITI (Internal Transaction Initiator)
ITMG – Item group. This table is to use to setup different items into a bundle.
ISSQ – Issue queue. The table could be used to track SRQ – PI –CI connection. Final SRQ will show on ISSQ table, associated PI and CI will also be displayed here. The record will drop from ISSQ table once CI transaction is finalized.
JACTG (Accounting Journal) - A thorough archive of processed data kept in a transaction according to the process steps.
JBUD (Budget Journal)
JBUD-Long Bill (Long Bill)
JLACTGQY (Accounting Journal & Ledger Query)
JLCTRL (Journal Ledger Control) - A summarized historical record of data organized by one or more elements of the accounting distribution and by an established period of time.
JV1ADVN (Advanced Journal Voucher)
JV1BOND (Journal Voucher for Bonding Accounting)
JV1CASH (Cash Journal Voucher)
JV1CL (Journal Voucher for Capital Lease Accounting)
JV1STND (Standard Journal Voucher)
JV1TRES (Journal Voucher for Treasury Accounting)
JVAC (Annual Close Journal Voucher)
JVC (Cost Accounting Journal Voucher) - Used to perform Cost Accounting corrections where Funding Profile, Funding Priority, and Funding Line have to be manually entered for Programs with Front End Split
JVC1 (Journal Voucher Cost Accounting)
No entries available.
Lease - A lease is an agreement conveying the right to use property, plant, and equipment (PP&E) for a stated period of time. GASB Statement No. 62, paragraph 211.
Lease Purchase Agreement: CRS 24-82-801(4) defines a lease purchase agreement to be a capital lease as defined in generally accepted accounting
Lease Incremental Borrowing Rate - The rate that, at the inception of the lease, the lessee (State agency) would have incurred to borrow over a similar term the funds necessary to purchase the leased asset. GASB Statement No. 62, paragraph 271. In the absence of a recent borrowing of matching term upon which to base the lessee’s incremental borrowing rate, State agencies should use the State Treasurer’s pooled cash earnings rate, not the lessor’s rate.
MA (Master Agreement) - The agreement used by Dept. to formalize terms, conditions, pricing, etc.
MATA (Matching Status Table)
MA1 - User acceptance testing environment
MAE1 (Master Agreement External) - CDOT and Institutions of Higher Education Award transaction
MD (Manual Disbursement) - Records accounting transactions for wire payments directly with State Treasury.
ME (Mass Depreciation)
Minimum Lease Payments - The payments that the lessee is obligated to make or can be required to make in connection with the leased property. GASB Statement No. 62, paragraph 271. Minimum lease payments include rent for the equipment, “executory costs” made to the lessor (e.g. maintenance, insurance, or taxes), the bargain purchase option (which allows the lessee to buy the asset at a predetermined price below fair value), guaranteed residual value (a type of insurance protecting the lessor against an unexpected decline in the value of the asset), and any penalties for failing to renew or extend the lease.
MJPCAT (Major Program Category) Used to define a statewide Major Program rollup grouping across departments. The Suffix of CFDA number is required to be used as the statewide Major Program Category for a federal grant.
MJPCLS (Major Program Class) Used to define a statewide Major Program rollup grouping across departments. The Prefix of CFDA number is required to be used as the statewide Major Program Class for a federal grant.
MJPGRP (Major Program Group) Used to define a Major Program rollup grouping within a department.
MJPTYP (Major Program Type) Used to define a Major Program rollup grouping within a department.
MJPRG (Major Program) Used to define the Major Program, which serves as the highest-level control element of the Cost Accounting structure and includes the global/overall characteristics and behaviors.
NCS1 (Notice of Contractor Settlement) - Notification of Construction Project completion
NIST (National Institute of Standards & Technology)
NP (Non-Prioritized)
NPSS1 (Notice of Proposed Sole Source) - Notifications to vendor community of a proposed Sole Source
OC (Over-the-Counter) - records the goods issued directly out from the warehouse.
OSC (Office of the State Controller)
OSPB (Office of State Planning and Budgeting)
OVDRTEXP (Overhead Rate Exception) Used to identify a rate different than the default rate for specific coding streams within a Major Program.
PB (Performance Budgeting)
PBDIST (Pool/Base Distribution Table)
PBOREQ (Pool/Base Offset Requirement Table)
PCAT (Program Category) Used to define a statewide Program rollup grouping across departments.
PCLS (Program Class) Used to define a statewide Program rollup grouping across departments.
PDCHK (Paid Check) - Table to check for transactions that are cashed.
PE (Vendor Performance Evaluation) - The entry of a vendor’s performance relative to an Award (e.g. PO or CT).
PEEVALR (Vendor Performance Evaluator Table) - Enables the addition of current CORE users to an Award for a customized assessment of vendor performance.
PGRP (Program Group) Used to define a Program rollup grouping within a department.
PHASE (Phase) Used to define the Phase as an independent Cost Accounting element that defines the non-sequential life cycle periods of a Program.
PHPRG (Program Phase) - To associate a Phase to a specific Program
PI (Pick Issue) - prints pick tickets based on Stock Requisition (SRQ) transactions and generates associated Stock Issue Confirmation (CI) transactions.
PLBS (Pool/Base Setup Table)
PLOC (Procurement Location)
PO (Purchase Order) - Purchase Order Issuance
POGG1 (Grant Given Purchase Order) - Used for sub-recipient grant encumbrances < = $100,000
PPC (Program Period) - The effective period(s) of the funding source for a grant or project. Used to define the Program Period Code for a Major Program. When multiple Program Periods are needed for a Major Program, they have to be established with sequential timeframes.
PPD (Prearranged Payment and Deposit) is the format ACH originators (e.g. the State of Colorado) need to use for individuals on an EFT Distribution
PPPT (Payment Plan) - View and query payment plan notices.
PRC (Payment Request Commodity Based) - Payment request transactions requiring an award and matching manager process to external vendors.
PRC1 (Commercial Card - P Card, Travel Card, Event Card, One Card) - Payment request transaction used to upload Chase commercial card transactions
PRCUID (Procurement Management) - Department Buyer Queue to management procurement process- Requisition to Award
PRLNP (Discard Transaction)
PRMI (Payment Request Match for Internal Vendors) - is a transaction that is not used by the State. If generated through the overnight process, this transaction needs to be discarded. In addition, the associated IN payment transaction needs to be canceled. GAE and ITI/ITA transactions can be used for internal encumbrance and payments between departments/agencies. GAE or ITI/ITA transactions are used for internal encumbrance and payments and job aids can be found on the General Accounting page.
PRN (Negative Payment Request (Credit Memo)) - Transaction used to decrease the amount of payment to the Vendor when the next payment is processed
Procurement Error A761 - This posting is not allowed by BFY Profile S1, stage 3. (A2079)
Procurement Error A2079 - This posting is not allowed by BFY Profile S1, stage 3. (A2079)
Procurement Transactions (RQS, PO, POGG1, CT, CTGG1, MA, DO) - transactions used to procure goods and services and restrict budget with an encumbrance.
PROG (Program Setup) Used to define the Program code as a user-defined breakdown of Major Program based on budgeting, reporting, and/or chart of account inference requirements.
PSCD (Posting Code) - A sign to the system from an event type during transaction processing that determines many updates to budget and accounting control tables, posting of journals, default elements with the sequence for finding them, and editing any associated balance sheet codes.
PSCHD (Payment Plan Table) - This enables you to set the payment amount, the due date for the first payment, and the cadence.
PTYP (Program Type) Used to define a Program rollup grouping within a department.
Punch-Out Catalog - Connects CORE to Punch-out site for State Price Agreement vendors
No entries available.
RC (Receiver) - Transaction used to record the receipt of goods.
RCSRCH (Receiving Search) - The page that allows you to search for awards and create receiver transactions.
RE (Receivable Transaction) - Allows a transaction to be entered to record money owed as a result of goods and services provided, overpayment to a vendor, or anticipated receipt of unearned revenue.
RE1 (Summary Interfaced Receivable Transaction)
RE2 (Employee Receivable Transaction)
REA1 (Detailed Receivable Interface)
REIMHIST (Reimbursement History) Used as an online inquiry to show transaction-level detail for reimbursement billings created by the Cost Accounting Reimbursement cycle and link Reimbursed Trans (various transactions to book Expenses or Charges), Reimb Request Trans (RE or IET) and Cash Receipt Trans (CR referencing RE).
REIMOTPT (Reimbursement Output Parameters) Used to specify criteria for the selection and generation of output transactions for usage in the Reimbursement Output Process.
RETC (Return code) - The table contains return code details.
RFI (Request for Information) - Request for Information that does not result in an Award
RFP (Request for Proposal) - Solicitation for goods and services greater than $150,000
RFQ (Request for Quotes) - Request quotes from Vendor Lists
RFQ1 (Request for Qualifications) - Solicitation for construction vendors to evaluate.
RLPSA (Roll/Lapse)
RLPSD (Roll/Lapse Detail)
RN (Renewal) - Facilitates the renewal process of Master/State Price Agreement and Contract transactions.
RQS (Standard Requisitioning Transaction) - Initiates the Procurement process by requesting goods/services NOT available via a Master Agreement or State Price Agreement.
RTGPF (Retainage Payment/Forfeiture) - This transaction is an output of retainage payment out or forfeiture chain.
RY (Request Year)
SAI (Spending Authority Indicator)
SB (Senate Bill)
SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol)
SH1 -SH3 (NIST Test Environment)
SN (Stock Return Transaction) - Allows the original requestor to return previously issued items back to the originating warehouse.
SNE (Stock Return for External Customers)
SOQA (Solicitation Q & A Page)
SOW Scope of (Work or Statement of Work)
SPA1 (State Price Agreement) - Agreements processed at the Central level (State Purchasing Office and Office Information Technology)to formalize terms, conditions, pricing, etc.
SR (Solicitation Response) - The entry of vendor responses to solicitations
SRQ (Stock Requisition Transaction) - Initiates the Procurement process by requesting goods that are available via Inventory (allows you to reserve quantities of stock items from an on-hand supply for later delivery).
SRQE (Stock Requisition for External Customers)
SRS (Cost Allocation Series Setup Table)
STAT (Statistical Unit Table)
STATD (Statement Detail Table) - Transaction activity that will appear on the customer statement.
STEP (Cost Allocation Step Setup Table)
STMCH (Statement Line Type Table)
STMCX (Statement Line Type Definition Table)
STMTHS (Statement Print History Table)
STMTQ (Statement Table) - View and query statement statuses
STPFST (Stage Profile Select) Used to view or add the Stage Profiles. The table has links for accessing further information on the Stage Profile Line section to establish the stages sequence, and the Line Event/Trans Codes Section to specify the accounting events and transactions allowed during each stage sequence.
TASKORD (Task Order) Used to define the Task Order as an internal program for activity based costing, budgeting, and/or reporting purposes.
TBAL (Trial Balance Inquiry)
TI (Stock Transfer Issue) - Initiates the transfer of items from one warehouse to another.
TM (Termination) - The formal close of an Award transaction.
TOBL (Task Order Buyer Line) Used to define buyer information for Task Order Billing purposes and supplements the billing information stored on the Task Order (TASKORD) table.
TOINF (Task Order Inferences) Used to associate a Program and/or Phase with a Task Order, so that the Program/Phase can be inferred based on the Task Order in a transaction.
TR (Stock Transfer Receipt) - Recognizes the receipt of transfer items by the receiving warehouse and adjusts the on-hand quantities of the receiving and issuing warehouses.
Transaction Catalog - A repository where you can perform certain actions and queries.
UDOC (User Maintenance Transaction) - Used to create, modify, and disable CORE access.
UOMV (Unit of measure by vendor and item) - Use this table to establish different purchase unit, issue unit, multiplier, and smaller unit for stock items by vendor customer code.
UR (Universal Requester) - Accumulates URCATS search results
URCATS (Universal Requester Catalog Search) - Facilitates searching from Inventory, Master Agreements, State Price Agreements, Purchase History, and Commodity Codes
VCC (Vendor Customer Creation)
VCUST (Vendor/Customer Table)
VCM (Vendor Customer Modification)
VENDNOT (Vendor Notification)
VSS (Vendor Self-Service) - vendor-facing component of the CORE system
VUPROG (Valid Unit Program Combination) Used to define those Programs for which a Unit can use in a Fiscal Year.
WHSE (Warehouse Table) - The table hosts warehouse control and warehouse chart of accounts.
WLOCTYP (Warehouse location type) - Use this table to establish or manage the warehouse location type.
WLOCST (Warehouse location structure) - Use this table to establish or manage the warehouse location structure.
WILOC (Warehouse inventory location) - Use this table to setup inventory location details.
XA11 (Earned Revenue Refund). It is used (with GAX and GAX) when the payment should reduce revenue received in the current year.
XR02 (Authorized Pre Payment - Debit to Prepaid Balance Sheet Account and Credit to Liability. Will require a JV transaction to record the expanse.
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