ATS Workflow
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ATS Workflow
The following provides step by step overview for ATS uploads.
Step 1:
Download a fresh ATS template from CORE website to submit your entries. Older versions of these documents may result in Phantom issues and do not contain updated error instructions on the Instructions tab. Also, refrain from hiding columns and do not delete them or you may run into issues
Step 2:
Navigate to the FUD page, then highlight the FIN ATS Uploads option and upload the file based on the instructions
Instructions are found under Scenario #1: A successful upload link under the following URL:
Do NOT upload a PDF document using these instructions. The system cannot process PDFs.
Step 3:
Wait for all three alerts to arrive as detailed in the above document
If you only see the first two alerts:
check the file name to ensure it doesn’t contain ampersand. If it does, delete that from the file name and reupload.
If you see no alerts:
follow the instructions here as the file contains data which the system is treating as malicious which must be purged:
Do not check the Done folder as a means to confirm completion as most files end up here, regardless of issues.
Step 4:
Wait for the 3rd alert.
If the 3rd alert advises that the file was processed successfully:
you can check BATJOBS to confirm they were processed. Look for document IDs in the child job log using the instructions on Scenario #1: A successful upload link or navigate directly to the Transaction Catalog page to look for the documents generated without a document ID or IDs.
If the 3rd alert advises that the processing contained an Error code:
navigate to Scenario #2: Upload with error code that is rejected instructions to determine what the issue was that caused the problem.
These errors are displayed as database entries but can be a fairly easy read-through. Contact CORE Help if you need assistance in deciphering these log results.
If no error code was provided:
check the Instructions tab of your template to identify what might be causing error returns without numbers.
Additional notes:
Scenario #1: A successful upload provides additional information about uploads and forbidden naming conventions.
Here are a few of areas where we see the most problems that WILL fail the file during the upload:
Refrain from using & (ampersands) in your uploads.
If used in the file name, the file WILL fail to load.
If used in a field within the file, ampersands take up the space of more than one character and can cause issues by exceeding the field data limits.
Don't use # (hashtag, pound sign, etc.) in your filename.
Don't use . periods that aren't part of the extension.
Not good: test..xlsx or
Good: test.xlsx
Don't use a space right before the extension .xlsx in the naming of the file
ATS-Cash_Receipt-DPT Payoff 08242024 .xlsx
Do not use any ATS documentation that is not available on the CORE Help website. There are earlier versions of the ATS instructions that were created during testing which include steps such as checking the “Done” folder which were discovered to be irrelevant after a few months of working with ATS in the live environment.