Performance Budgeting

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Change Freeze 

We will implement a change freeze to ensure the CORE system's stability and security. This is due to major innovation enhancements and operational activities. It will reduce the risk of unintended issues and disruptions to key business processes.

Summary of CORE Operations Current/Planned Initiatives & Innovation:



The change freeze will apply to all changes to CORE modules.


Exceptions to the change freeze may receive approval for critical patches, emergency fixes, and statute-driven changes. The CORE Governance Committee (CGC) will evaluate high-priority changes case-by-case.

During the change freeze, requests can still be submitted via the CGC request process. The CGC will vote on them. If approved, the requests will go to the CORE Operations backlog and be planned for future work as capacity permits. 

With input and approval from the CGC, the change freeze is effective December 1, 2024.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this change freeze period. These guidelines will help us implement key initiatives. They will also ensure the CORE system stays stable.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact

Mission, Guiding Principles, and Scope

The mission of the Colorado Performance Budgeting Steering Committee (PBSC) is to optimize the use of the PB system through broad employee engagement and implement best practices, with an enterprise-wide approach. 

The guiding principles include leveraging industry best practices, minimizing customization, relying on system configuration, avoiding redundant systems, inclusiveness of all stakeholders, and transparency.

The scope includes the whole budget cycle in PB, the interface and data integration between PB and CORE, and reporting of PB data in infoAdvantage. 

PB Steering Committee Charter

PB Steering Committee Information

The Performance Budgeting Steering Committee (PBSC) has been reestablished to include six department members, two OSPB members, one FSU member, and approved representatives/SMEs from CORE Operations.  Its primary purpose is to prioritize and address current issues with PB, implement statewide optimal use of PB, enhance PB’s existing functionality, strengthen communication to users and management, approve policies and procedures following statewide best practices, approve training approach, and work with CGC on issues involving both PB and CORE.

New PB Change Request Form

PB Steering Committee Members

Advisory and On-going