Approving Transactions

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This job aid describes steps on how to approve a pending transaction in CORE.

To approve a pending transaction in CORE, you will want to follow the steps below:

highlights worklist option from left hand navigation

2. Select the correct worklist type of transaction you are wanting to approve and select Apply.

highlights worklist filtering fields

3. To take a task for a single transaction, select the required transaction and click the 3 dot menu on the right side of line and select Take Task.

highlights take a task selection for single transactions

This will move the transaction to your personal Worklist for Approval.

highlights take a task action for single transactions

4.  To Take a task for multiple transactions, select the required transactions and click the little icon that looks like a clipboard with a check box.  NOTE:  By selecting all lines in your worklist, the box above will autofill.

highlights take a task selection for multiple transactions

This will move the transactions to your personal Worklist for Approval.

highlights take a task action for multiple transactions

5. To approve a single transaction

highlights approval action for a single transaction using 3dot menu

6.  This will Approve the transaction and it will clear from your worklist.

highlights approve action completed message for a single transaction approvals

7. To approve multiple transactions

highlights approval action for multiple transactions

8. This will Approve the transactions and it will clear them from your worklist.

highlights approve action completed message for multiple transaction approvals