UDOC Errors
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How do I resolve the "Unassignment of the Security Role is not permitted because Foreign Organization records exist for this User ID and Role combination. To unassign the Role, first, delete the associated Foreign Organization records. (Q0177)" error I receive when attempting to disable a CORE user?
To have Foreign Org access removed for a CORE User, you will want to contact CORE Help (core.help@state.co.us) and request for Foreign Org to be removed. When sending your request, please specify which Security Roles no longer require Foreign Org access along with the CORE User ID. If the user is completely disabled in CORE, send an email requesting all foreign orgs to be removed for the user ID.
How do I resolve the "Transaction ID is invalid" error I received when creating a UDOC?
The UDOC ID should follow a standard naming convention comprised of several nodes up to a maximum of 20 characters. If a user's access is modified more than once on the same day, append a letter or number at the end of the UDOC ID and truncate as needed.
What does error R_WF_ROLE not found for R_WF_User Role and R_WF_ROLE
The workflow role that you are selecting does not exist.
How do I resolve R_SC_SEC_ROLE not found for USER_DOC_SCROLE / R_SC_SEC_ROLE note found for R_SC_USER_ROLE_LNK?
This error message can appear if the Security Role ID entered is misspelled.
Example: D_SW_UDC_FORGN is an invalid Security Role. The Security Role should be D_SW_UDOC_FORGN.
How do I resolve User Information exists for ## (Q0012) / User profile exists for ## (Q0013) / Directory information exists for ## (Q0011)?
CORE users who transfer cabinets or departments must use the same user ID within CORE regardless of where or how many times they transfer. You will need to make sure you’re selecting Update and not Add on the Header Tab. If the CORE user has transferred from a different cabinet or department, you will want to complete a UDOC to modify a user. '
You can find the job aid Completing a UDOC to Reactivate or Modify a User on the Security and Workflow page under the UDOC Entry and Approval Users section.