Formatting Title Bar and Cover Page
Home > Reports (infoAdvantage) > Job Aids > Formatting Title Bar and Cover Page
Process Summary
This job aid describes steps for creating a Header with Statewide Formatting. Report Title Bars and Cover Pages are required report elements for all Statewide InfoAdvantage reports. Their use is also highly encouraged with Department and Unit reports since they contain useful information on the prompts and queries used by the report, as well as helpful links to InfoAdvantage resources.
When possible, Report Developers should start with a copy of an existing report and modify it as needed, rather than manually creating report title bars and Cover Pages.
Report Title Bars
Go into structure view. The dropdown menu is located in the top right corner
Be sure to select the ‘show formula bar’ icon. This is located under Analyze in the top menu bar.
Under Insert, click the grid icon to Insert Table, then select Horizontal. Click on the blank report to add the table.
Left click in the top left shaded cell, then right click.
Click Delete.
Then select Column and OK.
Right-click in one of the remaining cells and then click Insert, then add rows and columns until you create a 4x3 grid, 4 columns and 3 rows.
Click on the top left cell, hold shift, then click the bottom left cell to select the entire first column
On the right-hand side, under the Data/Format Panel, click the Paint Brush (Show report element format) icon and then the Box with lines icon (Layout Settings). Format the size as follows: Width 0.73, Height 0.25
If you have the Instant Apply box checked, the changes will apply automatically.
Apply the same size for the entire second column.
Column three will be as follows: width 6.63, height 0.25
Column four will be as follows: width 1.30, height 0.25
On the right-hand side under the Main Panel, click the cube icon (Show document dictionary) and then click the fx+ icon (Add a new variable).
Create new custom variables:
Kernel ReportTitle
Name (ReportID and Kernel ReportTitle).
Qualification = “Dimension”.
Enter desired text in the formula text box (must format as =”text here”). This text depends on what your report is for.
Click the checkmark to validate. The Type field will auto-populate.
Then click OK to save your variable.
*These variables will be used on Cover Page too.
Click on the top left cell of the table. Then click in the “Type a formula” bar at the top of the page to enter your text. Click the Checkmark or press Enter to validate what you entered.
Do the same for the rest of the cells as shown in the table to the right:
Format Step 1 - remove internal borders
Select each cell within the table by first left clicking in the top left cell and then holding the ctrl key to click the rest. It will highlight all cells in blue.
In the data/format panel on the right hand side, click on the paintbrush icon (Show report element format) and then the square with a mountain icon (Appearance Settings). Scroll down to the bottom of the Appearance Settings to the Borders section. Change the color to white (white RGB = 255, 255, 255), and then click the All borders icon to change the border color for all cells to white.
Formatting Step 2 – Add overall border
Select the whole table by pressing and dragging your mouse. It will form a blue border.
In the data/format panel on the right hand side, click on the paintbrush icon (Show report element format) and then the square with a mountain icon (Appearance Settings). Scroll down to the bottom of the Appearance Settings to the Borders section. Change the color to black, and then click the All borders icon to add a plain black thin border to the outside of the table.
Select the whole table and then apply Bold to the text
Select all cells in first, second, and fourth columns
Align the text left and bottom
Select all the cells in the third column.
Align the text center and bottom.
Highlight the whole table and drag it into the header
Click into the header section. Adjust the Header Height to 0.86
Select the table
Ctrl select all of the individual cells in the table. Change the cell padding to 0.02 for the Top, Bottom, Left, and Right
Creating a Cover Page
In design or structure mode, click the plus sign icon at the top of the report to add a new tab. Rename the tab to Cover Page.
On the right-hand side under the Main Panel, click the cube icon (Show document dictionary) and then click the fx+ icon (Add a new variable).
Create new custom variables:
Formula: ="CORE Website"
Kernel LinkInfoAdv Faqs
Formula: ="InfoAdv FAQS"
Kernel LinkJob Aids
Formula: ="Job Aids"
Kernel LinkOnlineTrain
="Online Training"
Name (variable names)
CORE Website
InfoAdv FAQS
Job Aids
Online Training
Qualification = “Dimension”,
Enter the specified text in the formula text box (must format as =”text here”).
Click the checkmark to validate. The Type field will auto-populate.
Click OK to save your variable.
You can access the variable specifics by going to: Public Folder > Report Developers > 01 Blank Templates > Cover page template depending on the report you’re developing
You will also need this template in order to format your own reports cover page.
Once you have all your variables, insert a new table on your cover page.
Under Insert click the grid icon to Insert Table, then select Vertical.
Click on the blank report to add the table.
Go to the Cover Page template.
Public Folder > Report Developers > 01 Blank Templates > View cover page template depending on the report you’re developing
Make a copy of the cover page template to be placed in your Report Developer folder. Open the copies template.
Go into Design view. Dropdown menu for mode select is located in the top right corner.
Use the same table format and cell format properties that are on the Cover Page Template and apply them to your Cover Page tables. On your cover page tables insert additional rows as needed in order to match what is shown on the Cover Page template
For the tables on the right, use these Link values:
="<a href=\"\" title=\"\" target=\"_blank\"
nav=\"web\">"+[Kernel LinkJob Aids]+"</a>"
="<a href=\"\" title=\"\" target=\"_blank\"
nav=\"web\">"+[Kernel LinkOnlineTrain]+"</a>"
="<a href=\"\" title=\"\" target=\"_blank\"
nav=\"web\">"+[Kernel LinkInfoAdv Faqs]+"</a>"
="<a href=\"\" title=\"\" target=\"_blank\" nav=\"web\">"+[Kernel LinkCOREWEBSITE]+"</a>”