What fields on an encumbrance will populate instructions to vendors on the transaction print page?
If you are trying to provide specific instructions to a vendor, there is a field available to enter text in the Transaction Defaults section of a transaction's Header tab. The Shipping Additional Info field is displayed as “Vendor Instructions” on the print page for encumbrance transactions including PO, POGG1, CT, CTGG1, and DO (note, the instructions entered are by no means limited to just shipping or billing information).
The Billing Additional Info field is not displayed on the print page.
CORE Location:
Corresponding location on the print page:
Creating a print page and sending via email.
The simplest way to create a print page for an encumbrance transaction is to navigate to the Header Page of the transaction, click the Print button at the top of the page, click on the drop-down menu for Print Output Type, and select E-MAIL. Then enter the recipient’s email address in the “Email Address”. You may also enter a unique Email Subject, Message, and Sender’s Email in the fields below. If no Subject, Message, or Sender Email is entered, the recipient will receive the document from an email address at CGI’s domain with the Subject: “Document from Advantage”.
If no Subject, Message or Sender's Email address are entered, the recipient will see this:
Note: It is advisable to send a print page to yourself to inspect the transaction before sending directly to a vendor.