Vendor Solicitation Notification Emails
This step action guide describes steps to determine which vendors received my solicitation notification emails.
CORE allows users to search for Solicitation emails sent to Vendors in a number of different instances.
To search for these emails, and view which type of was sent, follow the steps below:
1. Enter VENDNOT in the Global Search field.
2. On the Vendor Notification table, use the available fields to search for your Solicitation, then select Apply. For example, if you are looking for a Quote Issued by department AAAA with a Transaction ID # starting with 2019*, then enter DQ1 in the SO Transaction Code field, AAAA in the SO Transaction Dept field and 2019* in the SO Transaction ID field, then select Apply.
3. If the information provided is valid, the information under the search criteria fields will provide the following information in addition to what you entered:
Amendment # (if the email sent was an Amendment email).
Vendor Code (belonging to the Vendor that received the email).
Vendor Name (which is the name of the registered recipient of the email address.
VSS User ID (the login belonging to the recipient in VSS.
Email address (of the recipient).
Time/Date sent.
Email/Letter type.
4. The Email/Letter Type section of these search results details the type of email sent to the vendor. 5 types of Solicitation email can be sent to a vendor. They are as follows:
VENNOT: Email sent to notify Vendors of a New Solicitation
SOLAMD: Email sent to notify Vendors of a modification made to a Solicitation
SOLCAN: Email sent to notify Vendors of a cancellation made to a Solicitation
NOTAWD: Email sent to notify Vendors of a Notice of Award made to a Solicitation.
5. Search results are only displayed 10 at a time on this page. By using the First, Prev, Next, and Last options under the lower left-hand side of the provided search results, you can toggle back and forth through your results to find the particular email notification and Vendor you are looking for:
If a VENDNOT search does not yield any emails to vendors, it may be that no Commodity codes were applied to your Solicitation. To make this determination, you will need to open your Solicitation, navigate to the Commodity section and confirm that there are no Commodity lines applied to the Solicitation. If this is the case, a best practice would be to cancel your Solicitation and create a new one, as a Solicitation with no Commodity lines cannot be awarded against. Adding new commodity lines to a new version will not generate any new Vendor emails. For instructions detailing how to cancel a Solicitation, please click here.