Resolving Matching Errors On Procurement Transactions (A1603 and A344)
Process: This job aid describes the steps to resolve errors that arise as a result of mismatch between the line amount and the closed/expended amount.
To resolve errors A1603 and A344, you will want to follow the steps below:
Identify the commodity line with the error(s):
2. Navigate to the Matching section of the affected commodity line(s). This section will tell you how much has been Invoiced, Received and Paid against a line:
3. In the General Information section, update the Contract Amount, if a service, or Quantity, if an item, to match the amounts in the Matching section:
4. From the Commodity Line’s 3-dot menu, select Related Actions > Recalculate Accounting Lines:
You should now be able to validate and submit your document for approval.