Resolving “Evaluation Transaction Cannot go to Final Phase Until All Lines Are Awarded and Finalized" Error
This job aid describes steps to troubleshoot and resolve the “Evaluation Transaction cannot go to final phase until all lines are awarded and finalized” error.
1. In your EV transaction, select the Solicitation Commodity Line section.
a. Note how many line(s) are listed. In the example below, there is 1 commodity lines on the solicitation.
2. Select Awarded Items section. There should be at least one award for each line in Step 1 above.
a. If all awards are not there, follow the Awarding from an Evaluation job aid.
b. If the awards are there, continue to step 3. In the example below, the one line has been awarded.
3. Select each award transaction listed in the Awarded Items section and verify that the award is in Final phase.
a. If all awards are not in Final, they must be validated and submitted before the EV can be submitted.
b. If they are all in Final, go back to the EV and validate again. It should validate successfully.