Modifying an Existing Requisition (RQS)


To modify an existing RQS, you will want to follow the steps below:

1. Enter RQS in the Jump to field and select Go.

a. Enter the Department value associated with the RQS you are searching for in the Dept field.

b. Enter the Transaction ID associated with the RQS transaction you are searching for in the ID field.

i. Note: An asterisk (*) can be used as a wild card in a search field to take the place of unknown values or in place of filling in repetitive values (such as a “0”) when searching for an entry.

c. Select Search.

d. Select the ID link of the transaction that will need to be modified.

RQS entered in search field
Search screen with transaction id, transaction dept, and search highlighted

2. Create a new draft version of the selected RQS transaction.

a. Select Modify.

Note: Once the Edit button has been selected, you will see that a new version of the transaction has been created (denoted by a new Version number). In addition, the header will display a Function of Modifications and a Phase of Draft.

3. Make modifications to the transaction.

Menu expanded with Modify highlighted in Primary Actions section

4. Select Validate and Submit.

Validate and Submit buttons