Modifying an Existing Purchase Order Grant Given (POGG1)

Home > Procurement > Job Aids > Modifying an Existing Purchase Order Grant Given (POGG1)


This job aid describes the steps to modify an existing Purchase Order Grants Given (POGG1) transaction. When modifying a POGG1 transaction, the CORE end user must have the Buyer Role. To modify an existing POGG1, follow the steps below:

1. Enter POGG1 in the Global search field.

Enter POGG1 in the Global search bar.

2.  Enter the Department value associated with the POGG1 you are searching for in the Dept field.

Enter Department value for POGG1 in Dept field.

3. Create a new draft version of the selected POGG1 transaction.

Note: Once the Modify button has been selected, you will see that a new version of the transaction has been created (denoted by a new Version number). In addition, the header will display a Function of Modifications and a Phase of Draft.

Create a new draft version of the selected POGG1 transaction.

4. Make the modifications needed.

5. Under the Header, navigate to the Modification section.

Under the Header, find the Modification section.

6. Click Validate and Submit.

Validate and Submit buttons