Modifying a Delivery Order (DO)


This job aid describes the process of modifying a Delivery Order (DO) in CORE.

In order to modify a Delivery Order (DO) you must have the Buyer Role on your UDOC allowing you to modify the document. To modify a Delivery Order (DO), you will want to follow the steps below:

1. Enter DO in the Global Navigation Bar and select search.

DO Global Navigation

2. Enter in the Transaction ID in the Transaction ID field.

Search Transaction ID

3. Select the ID link in the Transaction ID field of the DO you are wanting to modify. to open the Delivery Order. The DO is in Final Phase.

Note:  The DO transaction selected should be in the Final Phase

Select DO Transaction

4. Select the 3-dot menu located at the far right of the search results for the DO to be modified.

Modify DO Transaction

5. Navigate to the Header Tab

Enter Modification Reason

6. Select the Commodity Header

Modify DO Commodity

7. Select Validate and Submit

Validate and Submit