Creating a Contract from the Transaction Catalog 


This job aid describes the process of creating a Contract (CT) from the Transaction Catalog.

1. Enter CT in the Global Search field

CT entered in search field

2. Create a Contract Transaction.

Create transaction screen with input fields and continue button highlighted

3. Populate the Header tab

General information with transaction and reporting fields highlighted
Procurement Details screen with date fields highlighted
Procurement Personnel screen with form fields highlighted
Transaction Defaults screen with Shipping, Billing, and Terms fields highlighted

4. Populate the Vendor tab

Contract screen with Vendor custom column highlighted

5. Populate the Commodity tab

Plus symbol and multiple form fields highlighted

Populate the Retainage section (optional)

Screen with multiple form fields highlighted

Populate the Shipping/Billing section

Menu expanded with Use Ship option highlighted under Related Actions
Shipping/Billing tab open with form fields highlighted

6. Populate the Accounting tab

Fund, unit, department, and unit fields highlighted on COA tab

Note: Line Amount populates from the Commodity Line upon saving. Update if needed when there are multiple accounting lines.

If there are multiple funding sources that apply across the multiple commodity lines, you may use the Accounting Distribution section to enter fund details for all the commodity lines at the same time.

Select the Accounting Distribution tab

Plus symbol, distribution, fund, unit, department, and appr unit fields highlighted
Menu expanded with option highlighted under Related Actions

7. Select Validate and Submit

Validate and Submit buttons highlighted