Create a PO From a Requisition (RQS)
This job aid describes the process for creating a PO From a Requisition (RQS) in CORE.
To create a PO From a Requisition (RQS) transaction in CORE, follow the steps below:
Use Global Search by Page Code to open a page
On the Global Search bar, click the drop-down.
Check the Page Code check box:
In the Global Search bar enter: RQS
2. Search for a Requisition (RQS)
Search for the Requisition Document.
Enter a Department Code in the Transaction Dept. field.
Enter the Transaction ID in the ID field.
Enter additional search criteria as needed to narrow your search.
Unit, Create User ID, Create Date.
Select Browse.
Click on the Transaction Link to open the RQS
Copy forward into a Purchase Order.
Select Copy Forward from the 3-dot menu at the top of the page > Primary Actions> Copy Forward
Select the target document’s type, PO - Create Purchase Order.
Enter a department code in the Transaction Department Code field.
Enter a Unit Code if needed.
Enter the Transaction ID prefix into the Transaction ID field (usually the current fiscal year).
Select the Auto Numbering check box.
Click OK
Populate the General Information tab in the Header section.
Review the Transaction Name and the Transaction Description fields.
Populate the Transaction Defaults (Shipping information) in the Header tab
If the shipping/billing information is the same for all commodity lines, you may enter this data so it populates into each commodity line.
Select a shipping location from the Shipping Location pick list.
Select a billing location from the Billing Location pick list.
Select a shipping method from the Shipping Method pick list
Select Free On Board value 5. This is the only Free On Board value that should be used.
Enter a delivery date in the Delivery Date field.
Select the delivery type from the Delivery Type pick list.
Click Related Actions.
Select Ship/Bill To Lines to populate the shipping and billing information into the Commodity Lines.
Select terms template from the Terms Template pick list (Optional).
Validate terms and conditions selected auto-populates on the Terms and Conditions page. Note: Terms and Conditions can also be added individually from the Terms and Conditions page.
Name field auto-populates with the name of the Terms and Conditions selected.
Details field auto-populates with the details of the Terms and Conditions displayed.
If you filled in the Terms Template field, select Related Actions.
Populate the Requestor Issuer Buyer information under Procurement Personnel section in the Header section.
Select the Requestor Issuer Buyer fields
Select a requestor ID from Requestor ID pick list.
Select Save. This will populate the other fields with the Requestor’s information.
Click Save
Populate the Vendor tab in the Vendor section.
Click the Vendor Customer pick list.
Enter search criteria.
Click Browse.
Click the Select link to select a vendor.
Select Save to populate the vendor fields.
Select an address code from the Address Code pick list.
Select a vendor contact id from the Vendor Contact ID field.
If Vendor Contact ID is not available:
Enter the Vendor Contact Name.
Enter the Vendor Contact Phone number.
Select Save
From the Commodity tab: General Information section
Select the Commodity section and verify the data for the following sections are complete and correct. Update data as required. Verify date or update as necessary the following fields:
CL Description.
For Item Line Type:
Quantity, Unit, and Unit Price.
For Service Line Type:
Contract Amount, Service From, Service To.
Select Related Actions from the 3-dot menu and Use Ship/Bill > from Header
In the Fund Accounting Distribution tab verify the following data fields are populated (under COA tab).
Fund, Department, Unit, Appr Unit., Object.
Upload attachments if necessary.
Click on Attachments. Click on Browse. Find a file on a drive and Click Open. Leave Attachment Type as standard.
Click Upload to upload the attachment.
Select Close
Note: Accounting data from the requisition populates the accounting fields in the Accounting section, the Vendor section must be populated and saved before validating in order for the Accounting information to populate.
Populate and verify the data for the following tabs in the Accounting section are complete and correct. Update data as required.
Select a commodity line listed on the commodity grid.
Select the Accounting tab.
Select an accounting line listed on the accounting grid.
In the General Information section verify the following data fields are populated:
Event Type, Line Description, Line Amount.
In the COA section, verify the following data fields are populated:
Fund, Department, Unit, Appr Unit, Object
Select Validate. Review and correct any errors, then click Submit.