Create a New Requisition (RQS)


This job aid describes the process for creating a Requisition (RQS) transaction in CORE.

To create a Requisition (RQS) transaction in CORE, follow the steps below:

Global Search by Page Code
RQS in Global Search bar

2. Generate your Transaction from the Transaction Catalog.

Create Button
Create Transaction
Header Tab Inputs

Header Tab

Complete RQS Header Tab
Shipping Location
Search Shipping Location
Default Shipping
RQS Vendor Tab
Search Vendor Customer

Vendor Tab

Commodity Tab

RQS Commodity Tab
Line Type
Accessing ship/bill to information via the menu

Accounting Tab

highlight the "+" symbol located on the left side of the screen
highlight the toggle caret to expand the line to show the event type field
highlight the COA tab and the fund, department, unit and appr unit fields
RQS Validate & Submit