Create a Multi-Year Contract (CT)
Multi-Year Contract Process
This job aid describes steps on how to set up a Multi-Year Award.
Multi-year award functionality has been established for the following transaction codes:
In the case of transactions that require them (such as CT transactions) create your award transaction with an Effective Begin Date and Expiration Date in the header section that properly reflects the full length of any current year and all ‘outyears’ associated with any commodity lines on the transaction. In the case of transactions that use service commodity codes, you will also need to reflect the full length of the current year and all subsequent ‘outyears’ in the Service From/To dates on that commodity line.
To setup a Multi-Year Award, you will want to follow the steps below. (Note: for training purposes, we will be creating a CT from the Transaction Catalog.)
Enter CT in the Page Code search
Select Create
Enter a department code in the Transaction Dept field
Enter a Transaction Unit, if needed
Enter the Transaction ID prefix in the Transaction ID field. ex. 2023
Select the Auto Numbering checkbox.
Click OK
3. In the General Information section of the Header tab:
Enter a Transaction Name
Enter a Transaction Description
Click Show More to expand the General Information section
Enter the Reporting 1, Reporting 2, and Reporting 3 fields as necessary using the pick list.
4. In the Procurement Details section of the Header tab, click Show More to expand the section and enter the following:
Begin Date
Expiration Date (must reflect full length of contract)
5. In the Procurement Personnel section of the Header tab:
Verify the Issuer ID
Enter the Requestor ID and Requestor Phone Number.
Select Save.
6. In the Transaction Defaults section of the Header tab:
Select the Shipping Location from the pick list.
Select the Billing Location from the pick list.
Use the Terms and Conditions Template pick list if wanting to include Terms and Conditions as part of the transaction.
Select T&Cs template from the pick list and click OK.
Click Save.
From the 3-dot menu next to the Attachments button, select Load Terms and Conditions.
Note: Terms and Conditions can also be added individually from the Terms and Conditions tab.
7. Navigate to the Vendor tab.
Select the Vendor Customer pick list to select a vendor.
Select the Save Button – Address Code and Vendor Contact ID information will default from Vendor/Customer table
If you need a different address, use the caret to expand the section and select the Address ID pick list to select an address.
If you need a different contact, select the Vendor Contact ID pick list to select a contact.
If the Vendor contact ID isn’t available, manually enter data for the Vendor Contact Name and Contact Phone fields.
Select Save.
8. On the Commodity tab:
Insert a line for the first year of the contract
Select a Commodity from the pick list.
Click Save.
Update the Commodity Line Description as needed (it is recommended that you enter the FY at the beginning of the description. Ex. FY25 Aerial Photogrammery Services
For Item Line Type
For Item Line Type:
Enter the Quantity, Purchase Unit, and Unit Price.
For Service Line Type:
Enter the Contract Amount, Service From date, and Service To date.
Select Related Actions and Use Ship/Bill From Header from the 3-dot menu of the commodity line
If any of your commodity lines are for items, enter the following in the Shipping/Billing section:
Shipping Method
Free on Board
Delivery Date
Delivery Type
Add additional lines as needed for each year of the contract
9. Navigate to the accounting section for the first commodity line of your transaction and enter an Accounting line for the first year of the Award. Enter all the proper Fund Accounting and other necessary information:
The event type for this line is entered as PR05 and reflects the encumbrance for the full fiscal year.
The current BFY and Current Fiscal year are left at their default.
The “Leave Reserved Funding” section is set to No.
In the COA section, enter the Fund, Department, Unit, Appr Unit, Object and any other additional accounting information.
Click Save.
10. Set up the accounting lines for each of your outyear commodity lines:
Copy the first accounting line by selecting Copy from the 3-dot menu on the accounting line.
Navigate to the Accounting Line for the next Commodity line
Select the Paste icon to insert your first Outyear line.
Make the following updates to the Outyear line:
Change the Event Type to PR08
Change the Budget FY to the Outyear. Ex. 2026, 2027, etc
Do not enter the Fiscal Year or Period
Change the Reserved Funding to Yes
Click Save
Copy your first outyear line by selecting Copy from the 3-dot menu on the accounting line.
Navigate to the Accounting Line for the next Commodity line
Select the Paste icon to insert your copied line
Update the Budget FY to the Outyear. Ex. 2026, 2027, etc
Click Save
Repeat this process until all Outyear commodity lines have corresponding accounting lines.
Setting up your ‘Outyears’ up with an event type of PR08 and Reserve Funding setting of Yes will do a couple of things:
When end of year processes are rolled, it will flip all accounting lines with a PR08 to a PR05 to encumber funds for the next Budget Fiscal Year.
It will flip the Reserved Funding field for the upcoming year from Yes to No
Correcting a Multi-Year Award Line with a Reserved Funding setting of ‘No
If a Reserved Funding setting of ‘No’ is applied to an ‘Outyear’ on a multi-year award transaction, any payments applied to that commodity line for the current year will also be applied to the ‘Outyear’ regardless of the PR08 event type and Budget Fiscal Year applied to it. A Reserved Funding setting of ‘Yes’ keeps any payments from being made against these accounting lines until the Contract Roll process opens them up for payments in the year identified in the Budget Fiscal Year field.
If you have established an ‘Outyear’ with a Reserved Funding setting of ‘No’, follow these steps to correct your accounting line IF no payments have already been made against them:
Review your ‘Outyears’ and confirm that no payments have been made against those lines. This will be reflected in a 0 amount in the Line Closed Amount sections of your accounting line.
Open a new version of your transaction, then manually update the Reserved Funding setting from ‘No’ to ‘Yes’.
Apply this change to all lines that need it, then validate your transaction, make any adjustments needed to any other errors that need them, and submit your transaction for approval.
If a payment has already been applied against an ‘Outyear’ accounting line, then you will see an amount in the Line Close Amount fields.
The system will also allow you to update the Reserved Funding selection to ‘Yes’ in these instances to ensure no further payments are made against the line. Please note that if you run into an instance where these type of corrections have to be made, any previous payments applied against these lines would have been made for the current Fiscal Year. Be sure to consider this when addressing open amounts on accounting lines associated with multi-year transactions that may have otherwise been rolled into the new Fiscal Year.
Correcting a Multi-Year Award Line with an Event Type of PR07 and BFY of 9999
The CORE system uses an Event Type of PR08 as an identifier to roll Outyears and will not recognize an Event Type of PR07. If an event type of PR07 was erroneously entered into an Outyear line, the line will need to be liquidated and a new PR08 accounting line created in order for it to be rolled properly. If any payments have been made against the line for this FY, it will need to be liquidated and a new PR08 accounting line created for the remainder.