Adding Transactions to a Procurement Folder


This job aid describes steps on how to add a transaction to a Procurement Folder in CORE.

The following instructions detail how to add transactions to a specific Procurement Folder on the Procurement Management (PRCUID) page.

1. Enter PRCUID in the Global Search field. 

highlight global search for PRCUID

2. Select Search

highlight new transaction from 3-dot menu

3. Insert Transaction Into Procurement

highlight insert transaction into procurement fields

4. Once you have selected OK, you will be taken to your new RQS transaction which has been created in the selected Procurement Folder. To view the RQS entry in the Procurement Folder:

a. Select the Procurement Folder from the 3-dot menu.

highlight new RQS transaction which was created in  procurement folder

b. Select View from the Procurement Folder 3-dot menu.

highlight view from procurement folder 3-dot menu
highlight transaction tab requisition tab

c. Navigate to the Transactions tab of the procurement folder to verify the new RQS is there.

Adding Award Transactions:

Due to some configuration changes that were put in place to allow for the creation of transactions ahead of the fiscal New Year, Award transactions can no longer be created from the Procurement Folder in the same manner detailed in Steps 1-4. However, if an RQS was previously created in that folder, it can be used to create a new award in the same folder with a minor adjustment to the previous process. To do this, you would need to do the following:

5. Locate the RQS in the desired Procurement Folder, then select Copy Forward.

highlight creating award transaction from RQS in folder

6. Create your new Award by selecting the Target Transaction Type/Code, then enter the Transaction Department Code, Transaction ID, and Auto Numbering fields. Select OK.

highlight create new award using copy forward
highlight copy forward entry of transaction dept and transaction id with auto numbering

7. Once you have selected OK, you will be taken to your new Award transaction which will be created in the same Procurement Folder as the original RQS you used to copy forward. If a previously generated Award already liquidated the original RQS, then you will need to insert new commodity lines into your new Award as the system will not generate these lines for you on the new Award transaction. This can be done by selecting Insert New Line in the Commodity section:

highlight commodity tab insert new line

Unfortunately, the workaround detailed in Steps 5-7 cannot be utilized if an RQS was not previously created in the Procurement Folder that needs the new award. In those cases, a new Award will need to be generated separately and if necessary tied to the original Procurement folder either by using the ‘Transaction Comments’ section on the new Award:

highlight transaction comments in purchase order

Or commenting on both the old and new Procurement Folders by selecting Procurement Notes from the 3-dot menu of each Procurement Folder:

highlight procurement folder commenting

Then inserting a new line into the Notes by selecting Insert on the next page:

highlight procurement notes fields

Then enter a value of 5 in the Procurement State field and your notes in the Comments section and select Save to finish the process.

highlight procurement state and comments in Procurement notes
highlight procurement state and comments entry