Modify Budget Entry (Current & Request Years)
Summary: This reference guide explains how to modify a budget entry once it has been initially staged, and a request code already exists.
Select Formulate Budget Request (BUDR) button
2. Search for the Budget Layout Form of choice; this example will use 100_CY_Legislation
Select Apply
After selecting the Budget Layout Form code, use the Select button to open
3. After entering the Budget Layout, search for Bill Number and/or Request Code and/or Organization to find the request you would like to modify. Press Search to perform the query
From the results, select the request to modify and click Edit
4. After entering edit mode in a request, you will be taken to the header
Click on Budget Lines in order to make changes to the request
In this example the budget object should be 1000
Remember to click Save or SAVE As Draft on the top right after making changes
5. Changes to the budget request will show immediately. If you select the Save As Draft feature it will reflect in the header line description.
You may also choose to select the Save button which will allow additional changes in the budget form while saving the most recent update
Or select Save and Close which will return you to the previous screen
Lastly you can select Cancel to return to the previous screen