Emergency Supplemental (1331) Request Entry
Home > Performance Budgeting > Emergency Supplemental (1331) Request Entry
This document provides instructions for entering emergency supplemental (1331) requests in PB. The following topics are covered: Overview; 1331 entries for Current FY; 1331 entries for Request year; InfoAdvantage schedule 13.
Emergency Supplemental Requests Overview
Emergency supplemental requests can be sent to OSPB during specified time periods.
PB Emergency Supplemental Entry Instructions
1331s for Current Year are entered in Form 060_CY_SUPPLEMENTALS
1331s for Request Year are entered in Form 070_RY_BUDGET_AMENDS
Current FY Emergency Supplemental Entry
Enter BUDR or select the quick link to Formulate Budget Request, search for 060*,select form 060_CY_SUPPLEMENTALS
Click Create
Fill in the following:
Request Code: Leave blank
Name: ES Title of Request - please note emergency supplemental requests should not be prioritized at this time, but number them if there are multiple requests. They will be prioritized with the regular supplemental submission in January
Stage: 100. This is the initial stage for request development. This stage will need to be updated as the request moves through the approvals.
Description: Emergency Supplemental
Requires Legislation: Select from the drop-down menu
Prioritize or Non-Prioritized: Select from the drop-down menu
Interagency Approval: Select from the drop-down menu
Request Timing: Late 1331 After Session
Criteria: Select from the drop-down menu
Organization: Your Cabinet letter code
Spending Authority Indicator: Defaults at 3
Click Save at the top right corner.
Click on the Budget Lines 1 tab.
Select the + icon on the grid line menu
Enter the following:
Long Bill Line
Appropriation Unit
Budget Object
Fund Type
Request Code: bases on guidance from OSPB
Suppl: Enter the amount of the request
Justification Line Text: Enter a brief description of the line request
Click Save at the top right corner.
Click Copy Item to add additional lines with the same coding.
When all the lines are entered, click Save. Click on the Budget Request tab.
Change the Stage to 200 to move the request to OSPB review, and click Save again.
Click the Save & Close button to exit the budget form and return to the Select Budget Request Screen.
Request Year Emergency Supplemental Entry
Enter BUDR or select the quick link to Formulate Budget Request, search for 070*,select form 070_RY_BUDGET_AMENDS
Click Create
Fill in the following:
Request Code: Leave blank
Name: ES Title of Request - please note emergency supplemental requests should not be prioritized at this time, but number them if there are multiple requests. They will be prioritized with the regular supplemental submission in January
Stage: 100. This is the initial stage for request development. This stage will need to be updated as the request moves through the approvals.
Description: Emergency Supplemental
Requires Legislation: Select from the drop-down menu
Prioritize or Non-Prioritized: Select from the drop-down menu
Interagency Approval: Select from the drop-down menu
Request Timing: Early 1331 Prior to Session
Criteria: Select from the drop-down menu
Organization: Your Cabinet letter code
Spending Authority Indicator: Defaults at 1
Click Save at the top right corner.
Click on the Budget Lines 1 tab.
Select the + icon on the grid line menu
Enter the following:
Appropriation Unit
Activity and Location Codes: If your department is using these, update the codes, and if not, enter 0.
Budget Object
Fund Type
Request Code: Based on guidance from OSPB
BA Suppl: Enter the amount of the request
Est: Enter the estimated amount for the next year budget
Est: Enter the estimated amount for the out-year
Justification Line Text: Enter a brief description of the line request
Click Save at the top right corner.
Click Copy Item to add additional lines with the same coding.
When all the lines are entered, click Save. Click on the Edit Budget Request tab.
Change the Stage to 200 to move the request to OSPB review, and click Save again.
Click the Save & Close button to exit the budget form and return to the Select Budget Request Screen.
InfoAdvantage Reports
Run Schedule 13 report in IA in the following location(s):
Public Folders / CORE Reports / Statewide Reports / Performance Budgeting / Budget Schedules / Executive Cabinets / 02 Supplemental Budget Requests / Schedule 13-A Stand Alone Supplemental or Request for 1331 - Exec Supp
Public Folders / CORE Reports / Statewide Reports / Performance Budgeting / Budget Schedules / Executive Cabinets / 02 Supplemental Budget Requests / Schedule 13-B Stand Alone Budget Amendments - Exec Supp
Public Folders / CORE Reports / Statewide Reports / Performance Budgeting / Budget Schedules / Executive Cabinets / 02 Supplemental Budget Requests / Schedule 13-C Combined Supple
Enter the following prompts:
Cabinet (One Letter Code)
Enter the appropriate code depending on which version of the Schedule 13 you are running: A, B, or C
Supplemental Request Code 060_CY_SUPPLEMENTALS
Budget Amendment Request Code 070_RY_BUDGET_AMENDS
Please leave the other prompts at default.
Check that the numbers in the report appear correctly.
Complete and provide the report to OSPB.