Copying a Stock Item to a Different Warehouse


This job aid describes the processes for Inventory Setup: Copying a Stock Item to a Different Warehouse.

Stock items must already exist in a warehouse to copy it to a different warehouse. To copy a stock item to a different warehouse, you will want to follow the steps below:

1. Enter INVN in the Global Search field.

highlight global search box with INVN

2. Search all warehouses for the stock item to copy.

highlight inventory search fields

Please note: If the item is not displayed in the stock item list, the stock item does not exist in the inventory. Proceed to Add Stock Items to a Warehouse.

3. If the stock item displayed in the stock item list along with its record, the stock item exists in inventory. Continue to copy a stock item from one warehouse to another warehouse.

highlight copying a stock item from one warehouse to another using 3-dot menu on right side of screen

The Inventory Management page displays the copied stock item in the Inventory Maintenance grid. The copied stock item record contains the original stock item’s information.

4. Update copied stock item record information.

highlight inventory tab copied general information warehouse fields
highlight inventory tab copied inferred COA elements fields
highlight inventory tab copied location fields
highlight inventory tab copied reorder information fields

5. Select Save.

highlight save button

6. Copied stock item displays in the Inventory Maintenance grid.

highlight copied stock item display