Creating Recurring Transactions Using the Future Transaction Triggering Function
This job aid will take you through the process of setting up recurring document creation using the Future Document
Triggering (FDT) function in CORE. This is primarily useful to increase efficiency on recurring transactions, such as GAX
payments made to the same vendor for the same or similar expenses on a recurring basis and similar INs to be processed
towards the same PO/CT at a certain frequency.
Creating the recurring FDT from the desired start transaction:
Open the transaction(GAX for this example) that you wish to set future transaction triggering.
Expand the 3 dot menu in top right of the page.
Select Future Transaction Triggering from the Other Actions menu.
2. On the Future Transaction Triggering page click the Create button.
3. Fill in required fields for transaction. (Code, Dept, ID and Version will populate from starting transaction)
Select desired Start Date and if desired an End Date for the trigger to be active.
Select how often you would like this trigger to function from the Frequency drop down menu.
If you selected Weekly or Monthly options select the appropriate options from Frequency Type 2 and Frequency Type 3 menus.
Input the desired Expire Date (if left blank trigger will automatically expire after 6 months)
If you wish to bring forward the exact line amount from the original transaction check the Carry Forward Amount box, otherwise leave it blank.
Click the Save & Close button.
4. You can later review the future triggering transaction by entering FDT in the Global Search and selecting Future Transaction Triggering.
You can search by the Code and ID to review its set and status.