Using a GAEC to reopen a closed GAE and restore remaining balance

A GAE can be closed inadvertently by a GAX with final reference. Below are steps to reopen a GAE and restore the encumbrance balance by utilizing a GAEC transaction.

GAE in the Global Search Bar

2.On the Financial Transaction Page confirm Transaction Code.

Financial Transaction page

3. The transaction will populate in the grid, Click the Transaction ID hyper link.

Transaction ID hyper link

4. Verify the current amount paid on GAE is accurate.

Closed Amount on the Summary tab

5. Create a GAEC using the Job aid Using a GAEC to Adjust a GAE . 

6. Once in the GAEC transaction, utilize PR20 and $0 in the General Information sub-section of the Accounting in the transaction. Then confirm the reference is correct and that the reference is Inverse in the Reference sub-section.

GA Encumbrance Correction (GAEC) page
Reference section on the Accounting tab

7. Select the Posting tab.

Posting tab

8. Review the original GAE to confirm that it is opened for the corrected amount.

Summary tab