Processing a Stand Alone Cash Receipt

Process: This job aid describes the actions taken to process a Stand-Alone Cash Receipt.

2. In the Global search enter CR and Select the Cash Receipt.

highlight global search for CR Cash Receipt

3. On the Financial Transaction page.

a. Select Create.

b. Enter Dept.

c. Select Auto Numbering.

d. Select Continue.

highlight create button
highlight create fields

4. In the General Information tab in the Header section:

highlight general info tab and header section fields
highlight CR deposit information and bank deposity date

5. In the General Information section under the Vendor tab:

i. Select Active in Customer Active Status field.

ii. Listing of Active Vendor names will populate.

highlight vendor tab, general info insert new line fields
highlight search vendor customer fields
highlight search vendor customer results

6. Expand New line by clicking the caret.

i. Enter the Billing Profile code.

ii. Enter Line Amount.

iii. Select Address Code pick list icon.

a. Search Address Code screen will populate with pick list.

iv. Select the appropriate Billing Address from pick list.

v. Select Save.

highlight vendor tab, general information new line expansion fields

7. In the Payment Information Section of the Vendor tab:

a. If Payment Type is Check or EFT, Click on Check/EFT and enter the Check/EFT Number and Date.

highlight vendor tab, payment information fields
highlight vendor tab, payment information check eft number and date fields

8. In the General Information section under the Accounting tab:

i. Expand New line by clicking the Carrot.

ii. Select General Information.

iii. Click on Event Type pick list icon

highlight accounting tab, general information insert new line fields

9. Click on the COA section of the Accounting tab:

highlight accounting tab, coa fields