Establishing Allowance for Bad Debt Using a JV1STND

Home > General Accounting > Establishing Allowance for Bad Debt Using a JV1STND


This job aid describes steps for establishing allowance for bad debt. To establish allowance for bad debt, you will want to follow the steps below:

Highlight global search JV1STND

2.On the Financial Transaction Page confirm Transaction Code.

Search section of Financial Transaction screen expanded with Transaction Department and Create highlighted

3. On the Create Transaction page check Auto Numbering.

Create Transaction form fields highlighted including Auto Numbering

4. On the Standard Voucher Journal page select the Header tab.

highlight standard journal voucher Header tab, general information fields

5. Select the Line Group tab.

highlight selecting line group, event type fields

6. Select the Accounting tab.

highlight accounting tab, COA fields

7. While still in the Accounting tab click the "+" to insert new line.

highlight accounting tab, insert new line, COA fields

8. While still in the Accounting tab click the "+" to insert new line.

Accounting tab open on Standard Journal Voucher Screen with results table, COA form, and Save button highlighted

9. While still in the Accounting tab click the "+" to insert new line.

Accounting tab open on Standard Journal Voucher Screen with results table, COA form, and Validate, Submit, and Save buttons highlighted