Create an ACC (Manual Accrual Transaction)

Process: This job aid describes steps for creating an ACC (Manual Accrual Transaction) in CORE.

2. In the Global search enter DOCATLG and Select the Transaction Catalog (Financial).

highlight entering DOCATLG in Global Search bar

3. In the Transaction Catalog click on the Create Button in the upper right-hand corner.

highlight create button in the  transaction catalog screen

4. Select the Header Section.

in the header tab, highlight the general information fields transaciton name, fiscal year, period and transaction description

5. Select the Accounting section.

a. Insert a new line by Selecting the  +. 

b. Select Event Type (AC04), the only one available. (This event type debits Accrued Expense and credits Account Payable).

c. Enter the Line Amount.

highlight the accounting tab, general information section to add event type and line amount

6. Expand COA section.

a. Enter Fund.

b. Enter Object.

c. Enter Department.

d. Enter Unit.

e. Enter Appr Unit.

f. Enter any other COA Category that is applicable. 

7. In the upper right-hand corner, Click the Validate Button.

highlight the header tab and COA section fields of Fund, Unit, Object, Dept and Appr Unit.  Also the validate and submit button in upper right part of screen.