Creating an FRM to Record a Fixed Asset Warranty
This job aid describes the process to record a warranty.
1. Enter FRM in the Global Search field
2. Select Create to Create a new Fixed Asset Repair and Warranty (FRM) transaction.
3. Create a new Fixed Asset Repair and Warranty (FRM) transaction.
Enter Transaction Code, Transaction Dept, and Transaction Unit
Select Auto Numbering
Select Continue
4. Complete the General Information tab of the Header section.
Enter the Transaction Name
Enter Transaction Description
Select the Fixed Asset Number
Select Event Type: FA15
5. Complete the Component General Information tab of the Warranty - Repair and Maintenance section.
Select Insert New Line (+)
Select Component Number
Select Warranty Action and Warranty Type
Enter Warranty Agreement Number, Warranty Start Date, and Warranty Expiration Date
Set Active to Yes
Select Validate and Submit