Creating a FE for
Manual Depreciation


This job aid describes the process regarding reviewing and calculating manual depreciation.

The Global Search Bar is accessed, and "FARCOMP" is entered to choose the Fixed Asset Registry Component.

2. On the Fixed Asset Registry Component page:  

Fixed Asset Registry Component page featuring an input field for Fixed Asset Number and an Apply button for submission.

3. In Fixed Asset Grid click Caret to expand options. 

Image of Fixed Asset Grid with Caret expanded, showing General Information and Depreciation details: Accumulated Depreciation and Net Book Value.

4. Create a Fixed Asset Depreciate Expense (FE) for Transaction.

User creates a Fixed Asset Depreciate Expense transaction
User selects Fixed Asset Depreciation on the Financial Transaction page, enters Transaction Department, and clicks Create.

5. On the Create Transaction page check Auto Numbering then click Continue.

 On the Create Transaction page, Auto Numbering is checked, and the user clicks Continue to move forward.

6. On the Fixed Asset Depreciation page select the Header Tab.

On the Fixed Asset Depreciation page, the user selects Header Tab, inputs Fixed Asset Number, and saves after auto applying.

7. In the General Information subsection. 

In General Information, user inputs transaction name and description, selects event type FA03, and saves the changes.

8. On the Fixed Asset Depreciation (FE) page select the Component tab.

FE will populate warning message. The warning message will automatically populate for any asset that normally depreciates using mass depreciation.  

Screenshot of the Fixed Asset Depreciation page with the Component tab selected, Depreciation Amount entered, and warning displayed.