Creating a FAIT for Fixed Asset Interfund Transfer


This job aid describes the way to transfer an existing asset from one fund to another fund. To use the FAIT transaction, agencies MUST be transferring to a different fund. If agencies are not transferring to a different fund and are updating non-fund information on the responsibility center, they must use the FT (Fixed Asset Transfer) transaction. The FAIT transaction is specific to transferring assets between funds.


Create a FAIT transaction in CORE using Auto-Numbering.

1. Select Edit


2. Complete the General Information tab.

FAIT Header General Information

3. Update the appropriate COA elements on the Responsibility Center tab.

Note: If there was an element that WAS there that the new responsibility center does not need, users may need to enter BLNK in that cell. A common example is sub-fund).

Fixed Asset Inter Fund Transfer

4. If you are updating the “New Location”, you will also need to update that on the component line under the “Component Location Details” under the “New Location” box.

FAIT New Location update
FAIT New Location update

5. Verify Postings (see examples on the last page or Fiscal Procedures Manual).

6. Steps 6-8 are only needed if your asset was NOT fully depreciated.

7. The first accounting line will be event type F013 (Fixed Assets Offset).

JV1ADVN Fixed Assets Offset

8. The second accounting line will be an appropriate revenue event type (R003 /External Collected Earned Revenue) or (XR02 / Unbudgeted Revenue) etc.

JV1ADV COA Offsets

FAIT Document Posting Examples

FAIT Document Posting Examples