Entering a Payment (On Accruals) using a GAX, PRC, PRC1, IN/PRM
Home > Fiscal Year End > Job Aids > Entering a Payment (On Accruals) using a GAX, PRC, PRC1, IN/PRM
This job aid describes steps for entering a payment (on accruals) using an GAX, PRC, PRC1, IN/PRM.
1. Enter payment as typical; however, to track payments specifically related to accruals, departments can add the following prefix to in the Check Description Field. For example, for FY15, enter prefix FY15ACC. For all subsequent fiscal years, enter the appropriate fiscal year.
Payments made using a GAX, PRC, PRC1
Enter YF15ACC prefix in the Check Description field.
Payments made using an IN
Enter FY15ACC prefix in the Check Description field