Establishing Fund Profiles to Define Funding Sources for a Reimbursable Grant

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This job aid describes steps for establishing Fund Profiles to Define Funding Sources for the Reimbursable Grant.

1. Select FPRFLST in the Global Search field. 

highlight global search for FRPFLST

2. Select Create

highlight Create button

4. Complete the Reimbursement Options tab.

highlight Funding profile tab, reimbursement options  fields

5. Create a Funding Priority for the first Funding Profile.

highlight Funding Priority tab insert new fields

6. Create two Funding Lines to record the funding match for the Funding Priority.

7. Complete the Reimbursement Options tab.

highlight Funding priority tab, reimbursement option fields

8. Complete the Reimbursement tab.

highlight Internal buyer funding line tab, reimbursement coa  fields

9. Complete the Front-End Split tab.

highlight funding line tab, front end split COA fields

10. Complete the Reimbursement Options tab.

highlight reimbursement options subtab fields

11. Complete the Front-End Split tab.

highlight funding line tab, front end split COA fields

3. Complete the General Information tab.

highlight Funding profile tab, general information fields