Effective To and From Dates on Cost Accounting Elements

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This job aid describes the process for Effective To and From Dates on Cost Accounting Elements.

Effective To and From Dates on Cost Accounting Elements

The Effective From and Effective To fields that can be found on the cost accounting tables allow the system to prevent spending against grants that have been closed/reconciled.

When the Effective To recorded date has passed the system will:

The Effective To and Effective From dates are NOT required, they are optional fields. The system will allow you to remove those dates and Save the record to continue normal processing.

Grants and grant elements that still have transactions pending or posting: IN, GAX, AD/EFT, WR, CHC, RE, etc., including JVC transactions for reconciling and corrections, should not have Effective To and Effective From dates that prevent subsequent transactions from posting. Therefore, if you have entered these Effective To and Effective From dates, they must be removed to ensure transactions can continue to process.

Cost Accounting elements that have the Effective From and Effective To dates are:

However, CORE will allow users to Inactivate the cost accounting elements at the table record (MJPRG, PROG, FPRFLST, etc.,). When an element has been inactivated, the system will allow OSC central users to override the Inactive COA error for processing payments. Only centrally, can those errors for an Inactive COA be overridden. 

The suggested practice for SOC would be to use the Active flags on either Major Program or on individual Program, Funding Profile, Program Phase, and/or Task Order records as opposed to the Effective From and Effective To fields.

highlight fields under major program for Effective to and From Dates

Program Period Code (PPC)

Program Period Code (PPC) records are required for most grants that are set up in CORE.

The PPC is tied directly to grant budget structures 39 (reimbursable) and 94 at level 3.

The Program Period Inference From and Program Period Inference To dates do not restrict any processing in CORE. It solely provides a date range for inferring a particular PPC onto a transaction.

For instance, on June 29th, 2015 the PPC FFY15 below would be inferred onto any transaction with the corresponding Major Program REFUGE without any user manipulation.

However on October 1, 2015, the PPC FFY15 will not infer onto a transaction. The PPC FFY16 will start inferring transactions until September 30, 2016.

Program Period Inference from and to dates general information fields highlighted

For this reason, Program Period Codes for 1 Major Program cannot overlap date ranges.

If the desire is to spend older grant money before newly awarded dollars (as PPC is attached to the grant budgets) the field can be manually entered in documents when the PPC either infers the current PPC or does not have a PPC to infer based on the date.