Creating a Reimbursable Program Budget (BGPDR) Transaction for a Grant with Budget Control at the Line Level
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This Job Aid describes the steps to create a Reimbursable Program Budget (BGPDR) Transaction and apply the budget controls for a Grant.
BGPDR is used to set up the budget for a grant when Reimbursable Budget Structure 39 is selected for a Major Program. There are 2 levels for budget structure 39 and both are required for a reimbursable grant. Level 1 includes Department, Major Program, Program, Program Period, Funding Profile, and Funding Priority. Level 2 also includes Funding Line in addition to those at Level 1.
The statewide budget control is not turned on for budget structure 39, but the line-level control can be set up with a BGPDR transaction. Given that both levels are required for a reimbursable grant, the best recommended practice is to set up the budget control at the Funding Line level if you select to use this function. To create a BGPDR transaction and apply the budget control at the line level, please follow the steps below:
1. Follow the Job Aid titled “Creating a Reimbursable Program Budget (BGPDR) Transaction for a Grant” to create the BGPDR transaction. Correct errors and validate the BGPDR transaction, but DO NOT submit yet.
2. Make sure you perform the Smart Budget Roll-Up BEFORE you start the steps below. You won’t be able to perform the Budget Roll-Up after the constraints are loaded since it will REMOVE the upper-level budget constraints.
3. Go to the BGPDR header and select Load Constraints.
4. The budget constraints will be loaded for both Program Budget Controls and Program Period Budget Controls.
5. To apply the budget control at the Funding Line level. Note: This is the recommended level to set up the budget control.
a. Go to the Program Period Budget section, and select the funding line.
b. Open the three-dot menu, select Related Action, and select Set Line Control
c. Then, go to the Program Period Budget Control section. Three constraints are available. Each constraint has four Violation Actions (No Reject, Require Override, Warn, and No Action) for selection.
Update the violation action setting for each constraint. The recommendation is to set the Violation Action to Require Override for Constraint ID 5 - Available to Obligate Only. You could ignore the Constraint ID 27 and 1 since they are not relevant to the budget control function.
Select OK.
d. Repeat the step 5.a to 5.c for all funding lines. Save.
e. DON’T perform Budget Roll Up.
6. To apply the budget control on the funding Priority level. Note: this is an optional level to set up your budget control and can be skipped.
a. Go to the Program Budget section, and select the funding priority.
b. Open the three-dot menu, select Related Action, and select Set Line Control
c. Then, go to the Program Budget Control section. Three constraints are available. Each constraint has four Violation Actions (No Action, Reject, Require Override, and Warn) for selection.
Select Edit with Grid to update the violation action setting for each constraint. The recommendation is to set the Violation Action to Require Override for Constraint ID 5 - Available to Obligate Only. You could ignore the Constraint ID 27 and 1 since they are not relevant to the budget control function.
Select OK.
d. Repeat step 6.a to 6.c for all funding priority lines. Save.
e. DON’T perform Budget Roll Up.
7. Once all the constraints are set up, attach backup documents, Validate the BGPDR transaction, and Submit.