Budget Error Message FAQs

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How do I Resolve Error Message A5000?

Error message A5000 is issued when a budget line is not set up for a specific budget structure, which can be identified from the description.  For example:

Follow these steps to research and resolve the error message:

How do I correct Error Message A615  (This transaction exceeds the unobligated funds for this budget)? 

If there are insufficient unobligated funds remaining to cover all of the budget lines in a transaction when attempting to process the transaction, you will receive an error message (Error A615) upon validation of the transaction indicating that the transaction exceeds the unobligated funds for this budget.

When you get the error message, "This transaction exceeds the unobligated funds for this budget" (A615), while processing a document, first check with your department accounting/budget office to ensure that it is okay to overspend this budget line and apply an override. Then validate and submit the transaction into workflow, and notify the person(s) who will be approving it that it needs to have an override applied.

What are the Budget Error and Warning Messages?

1st Level

2nd Level

3rd Level