Budget Appropriation FAQs

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What Budget Structure Appropriation Classes will be used in CORE?

The following Appropriation Classes will be used in CORE:

P = Personal Services

O = Operating

I = Indirect Cost Assessment

G = Program

R = Other

What Budget Structure Appropriation Categories will be used in CORE?

The following Appropriation Categories will be used in CORE:

A = Appropriated (BGA190)

B = Bottom Line (BGA191)

C = Capital Construction (BGA190)

D = Capital Construction, Bottom-line funded (BGA191)

E = Capital Construction, Line Item funded, Informational only (BGA190)

F = Non-appropriated Bottom Line (BGA191)

G = Capital Bottom Line Informational Only

N = Non-appropriated (BGA190)

What are the Appropriated and Non-Appropriated Amendments?

Appropriated Amendments:

Non-Appropriated Amendments:

What are Budget Annotations?

Various Sources of Cash

1) General Fund activity which has to occur in Fund 1000; and
2) Cash revenues that are not particular to a specific Cash fund.