Establishing a Non-Interest Payment Plan

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This job aid describes steps for Establishing a Non-Interest Payment Plan and Verifying Payment Plan Print Status.

There are circumstances when installment billings for accounts receivable are appropriate; for example, an agreement with the customer to allow payments over time. When a customer requests and is approved to make installment payments on an outstanding receivable, the outstanding receivable is converted to a payment plan utilizing CORE Payment Plan Functionality.

To utilize CORE Payment Plan functionality, there must be no interest charged on the payment plans in the installment agreement. If interest charges need to be applied to the payment plan, an offline amortization schedule must be created to facilitate recording the payments inclusive of interest charges. In these installment billing cases, the CORE Payment Plan feature is not used.

Establishing a Non-Interest Payment Plan

When a customer is approved to extend payments of an outstanding receivable, a Payment Plan is established on the Payment Plan (PSCHD) page. The steps in this section assume that the Receivable (RE) document being referenced has been processed and submitted to a ‘Final’ Phase in CORE. Also, be sure to have the RE document’s Doc Dept (e.g., AAHA) and Doc ID (e.g., 0115140085) available before beginning these steps.

1. Enter PSCHD in the Global Search field

Highlight global search for PSCHD

2. Select Create.

Highlight create button

3. Under the Payment Plan tab, enter

4. Select Create Method.  The three methods are:

5. Depending on the Create Method you have selected, complete the remaining fields:

6. Select Save.

7.  Once successfully Saved, click Create Schedule in the bottom left of the screen.

Payment Plan tab open on Create Payment Plan screen with input fields and save button highlighted. "May be needed based on create method" note shown for frequency, payment amount, start date, and other fields.
highlight payment plan tab fields

8. Click on the Schedule tab.  The number of payments, their amounts, and respective due dates are based on your entries provided in the Payment Plan fields.

highlight schedule tab results

9. To activate the Payment Plan:

highlight activating field under Payment Plan tab

10. To verify the suppression of Receivable Fees:

highlight payment plan verification by clicking link

11. Select the Vendor section.

12. Select the Billing / Collection Status subtab.

13. View the details and verify:

Highlight vendor verification

Verifying Payment Plan Status

1. Enter PPPT in the Global Search field

highlight PPPT in Global Search field

2. Enter search criteria (e.g. Transaction ID) and select Apply.

3. Verify the Print Status for the record is Original Pending.

highlight print status field