CR10XX User Guide


This aid describes the steps of the unique aspects of the CR10XX transaction.

Department staff has a need to record deposits to department-maintained local bank accounts. These entries are typically to balance sheet accounts 1010 through 1060 (10XX accounts). The CR10XX transaction is a clone of the CR transaction, so it will have the same look and feel of a CR. The CR10XX will not workflow to the State Treasurer’s Office. It will only require department-level approval.

Event types for CR10XX mirror those available in CR transactions but were created specifically for the CR10XX transaction.

CR10XX in the Global Search bar

2. Create transaction 

Create transaction

3. In the Header Section, select the Bank Account 10XX, leave the Cash Account field blank.

Header section

4. There is nothing different in the Vendor Section, complete as your would a CR transaction.

Vendor section

4. There is nothing unique on the General information tab in the Accounting Section. On the Fund Accounting tab, enter the depository bank     account balance sheet code (i.e.1042) in the OBSA field.

5. Enter your other coding as usual.

Accounting tab

Event Types for CR10XX

Event Types for CR10XX
CR10XX Event Types detail