Payment of Retainage to a Vendor


This job aid describes the process for payment of retainage to a vendor. Some contracts require retainage be withheld until certain milestones are reached in a contract before the retainage can be paid. When it is determined that these requirements are met, retainage that has been withheld can be paid to the vendor on the contract. To release retainage payments within CORE, you will need to find the related encumbrance transaction within the RTGSUM table.

highlight global search bar with RTGSUM entered

2. This will take you to the Retainage Summary By Commodity Line page. 

highlight retainage summary by commodity line fields

3. Click the Caret to expand the Award Transaction option.

In the main line of the award transaction on the RTGSUM table, you will see the following: the amount of the retainage that is pending (awaiting finalization on a PRM or PRC), the amount that is unpaid, the amount that has been withheld on the contract to this point, and the amount that has been released (paid) and the amount that has been forfeited. A more detailed breakdown is visible in the Amounts subsection by budget fiscal year.

highlight fields on the  main line of the award transaction on the RTGSUM table

4. To release retainage to the vendor, fill out the information under the Payout Terms subsection. 

Note: The scheduled payment date is the date that the RTGPF should be
generated. Generally, this date should be today’s date. 

Note: A vendor invoice number is required. This must be unique for the vendor. 

Note: A vendor invoice line number is required. Frequently, this field is 1 

Note: A vendor invoice date is required. If no date can be determined through other means, use today’s date as a default.  

Note: The Payment Type should be chosen that best describes the retainage payment being made. 

Note: The Address ID should match the address code for the vendor where the payment should be mailed or have the email remittance advice delivered. 

Note: If the information is not saved the next step in the process will not happen. 

highlight fields under payout terms tab

5. In the next nightly cycle a job will run that will clear the payout information and populate the information into an RTGPF Transaction. The user should look for this transaction the next business day. It will be in Draft phase. The RTGPF draft will need to have the Funding Profile, Funding Priority, and Funding Line fields in the Accounting tab COA section either all three entered or all three blank on all accounting lines. Please use agency policy as appropriate.   At that point, you can add any required attachments, validate and submit your RTGPF transaction for approval. 

highlight the fields used to search for the  RTGPF Transaction after the nightly cycle job to populate info