Emergency Stop Payment

Home > Accounts Payable > Job Aids > Emergency Stop Payment

The following information is intended for State departmental and program use only.

Process Description: Nearly all warrant cancellations should adhere to the standard Warrant Cancellations and Reissues process. The standard process requires the department to submit a Warrant Cancellation or Reissue Request form along with the voided warrant or signed Affidavit of Lost Warrant and CHREC screen to CAVO at state_centralaccounting@state.co.us.

In the case of an emergency where there is a high risk of a payment cashing in error and you need an immediate Stop Payment placed, please contact Treasury at treasurycashiers@state.co.us.

Stop Payments are approved at Treasury’s discretion, and the fee will be billed to the requesting department.

1) Email Treasury at treasurycashiers@state.co.us and provide the warrant number, payee, issue date, and amount. Also, explain the emergency and urgent nature of the request. Per Treasury, requests will only be processed if an emergency and there is a high risk of a payment cashing in error.

2) If approved, Treasury will provide a confirmation email after they have processed the Stop Payment with Wells Fargo.

Stop payment confirmation screen example with data redacted

3) The payment still needs to be cancelled in CORE. Submit a cancellation request to state_centralapproval@state.co.us. The confirmation email substitutes for the voided warrant or signed Affidavit of Lost Warrant. Please still provide a completed request form and a copy of the CHREC screen.